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Element Web Patches

Patch Description
add_custom_reactions.sh Adds custom text reactions to the emoji picker. Edit reactions.yaml to set which reactions are added.
add_greentext.sh Adds greentext, both as a /greentext command and by starting a message with ">".
delete_login_footer.sh Will delete the footer at the bottom of the login/register screen, removing useless links and making it cleaner.
rename_remove_and_ban.sh Allows you to rename 'Remove' and 'Ban' to something else, you can change it by editing the script.
replace_config_file.sh Swaps the default config.json with your own.
replace_login_background.sh Allows you to replace the background on the login/register screen
replace_notification_sound.sh Allows you to replace the notification sound
remove-share-to-nonfree-services.sh Removes the option to share to non-free services (Facebook, Twitter, etc) in any share dialogs.



  1. Clone the Element Web patches
git clone https://code.glowers.club/q/element-web-patches.git --depth 1 && cd element-web-patches
  1. Clone the Element Web source code
  1. Run scripts from the patches directory. patch_all.sh will run all of them. Read the script to see how to run individual patches.
cd patches/
  1. Build Element Web
cd ../element-web
yarn dist


GNU General Public License version 3.0 or later