A script to make moderating a Synapse server easier.
Go to file
2023-07-15 04:55:59 +08:00
.gitignore add .gitignore file to prevent accidental leaking of token 2023-07-08 18:07:33 +08:00
example_create_users_list.txt Saner username parsing, added list/download all media in a room, added quarantine all media in a room, added quarantine all media uploaded by specific user 2020-08-25 18:09:57 +08:00
example_room_list.txt Updated deactivate and password reset commands to new API. Added Query/Deactivate multiple user accounts. Added Remove multiple rooms from public directory. Added Download/Purge multiple rooms. Added Prepare database for copying events of multiple rooms (Only works with Spantaleev script). 2020-12-29 01:25:45 +08:00
example_users_list.txt Updated deactivate and password reset commands to new API. Added Query/Deactivate multiple user accounts. Added Remove multiple rooms from public directory. Added Download/Purge multiple rooms. Added Prepare database for copying events of multiple rooms (Only works with Spantaleev script). 2020-12-29 01:25:45 +08:00
hardcoded_variables.py add ipinfo function for determining an accounts country of origin, add multiple whois and query account functions 2023-07-14 23:18:31 +08:00
LICENSE Add rdlist functionality for automatically loading and blocking/purging rooms from the rdlist repository. Change license to MIT. Fix whitespacing in script. Stop the script from overwriting state event export files by including a timestamp in their name. 2023-07-02 03:23:16 +08:00
moderation_tool.py cleanup main script file 2023-07-15 04:55:59 +08:00
rdlist_commands.py move recommended tags list out of variables file 2023-07-10 02:48:44 +08:00
README.md update readme 2023-07-15 04:47:51 +08:00
room_commands.py finish re-write of rooms functions 2023-07-15 04:36:40 +08:00
server_commands.py update server functions to use request instead of curl 2023-07-15 04:45:27 +08:00
user_commands.py replace 4 spaces with tabs, i <3 tabs! 2023-07-15 00:04:59 +08:00

Matrix Moderation Tool

A Matrix moderation tool to make managing a Synapse server easier.

Contact me at @michael:perthchat.org if you get stuck or have an edit in mind.


This work is published under the MIT license, for more information on this license see here: https://opensource.org/license/mit/

Setup script

You can hard code the server URL, federation port and access token into the hardcoded_variables.py file for faster use, it will prompt you for these values if you don't.

Your access token can be found in Element > Settings > Help & About, your user account must first be upgraded to a server admin.

Upgrade user to 'server admin'


“So first connect to the correct db and then run the UPDATE users...”

$ sudo -i -u postgres

$ psql synapse

synapse=# UPDATE users SET admin=1 WHERE name='@PC-Admin:perthchat.org';



- sign instead of = means:

It means you didn't type a complete SQL query yet.

You need a semicolon to terminate the command.

Make sure /_synapse/ is mapped

A few of the commands will not work unless /_synapse/ is mapped to port 8008. Here is a example for nginx:

    location /_matrix {
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

    location /_synapse {
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;

You can also run the script locally on your server if you do not wish to map /_synapse/.

With the popular matrix-docker-ansible-deploy playbook you can expose this API interface by enabling 'Synapse Admin':

matrix_synapse_admin_enabled: true


To do:

  1. Add https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/admin_api/delete_group.md
  2. Make the menu prettier!
  3. Modularise the functions into multiple files - DONE
  4. Use URI module for all API calls instead of curl - DONE
  5. Add more automated rdlist function with sane defaults - DONE
  6. Add fully automated (should just return a web link and decryption password) reporting functions for users:
  • User's ID
  • List of the rooms the user is participating in
  • The content of the messages they've sent (if they were sent to rooms your server is participating in)
  • The state events they have generated (such as changing their display name or avatar URL)
  • Device IDs the user has logged in from and some metadata about those devices (like last seen times)
  1. Add fully automated (should just return a web link and decryption password) reporting functions for rooms:
  • Room's ID
  • Room alias
  • List of room members
  • Room metadata (name, topic, avatar, etc.)
  • The power levels of the room (which determine what actions users are permitted to do)
  • History of messages and state events, including their timestamps and senders
  1. Add a function to extract a users email
  2. Do room shutdowns in parallel?

rdlist Functionality

'rdlist' is a comprehensive list of child abuse related rooms on Matrix, it's a safety initiative led by the Legion of Janitors.

This script can automatically load and block/purge abusive rooms from rdlist, making it very easy for inexperienced administrators to block this harmful content.

If you are running a public server, please dm me at @michael:perthchat.org and I can invite you to the 'Legion of Janitors' room.

Once you have read access to the rdlist repository, simply run this moderation script like so:

$ python3 moderation_tool.py 

Please select one of the following options:
#### rdlist ####
30) Block all rooms with specific rdlist tags.
34) Block all rooms with recommended rdlist tags.
('q' or 'e') Exit.


Successfully set user as server admin.
rdlist repo already cloned...
Fetching origin
rdlist repo is up-to-date, no need to pull changes.

Using recommended rdlist tags.

Number of rooms being shutdown: 318

Are you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? y


{"errcode":"M_NOT_FOUND","error":"Room not found"}
The room was not found.


{"errcode":"M_NOT_FOUND","error":"Room not found"}
The room was not found.


{"errcode":"M_NOT_FOUND","error":"Room not found"}
The room was not found.


{"errcode":"M_NOT_FOUND","error":"Room not found"}
The room was not found.

Note that this script before shutting these rooms down will save the state events to the "./state_events" folder, please keep this data as it's important for law enforcement.