function MorgBully(matrixClient) { this.matrixClient = matrixClient; this.insults = defaultInsults; this.blacklistedRooms = []; } MorgBully.prototype.setBlacklistedRooms = function(blacklistedRooms) { this.blacklistedRooms = blacklistedRooms; }; MorgBully.prototype.setInsults = function(insults) { this.insults = insults; }; MorgBully.prototype.handleMembership = function(event, room) { if (event.getContent().membership === "join" && event.getPrevContent().membership !== "join") { if (this.blacklistedRooms.indexOf(room.roomId) < 0 && event.getSender().endsWith("")) { const insult = this.insults[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.insults.length)]; var formattedBody = ""+event.getSender()+": Stop using and switch to another homeserver or "+insult; var body = event.getContent().displayname + ": Stop using and switch to another homeserver or "+insult; var content = { "format": "org.matrix.custom.html", "body": body, "formatted_body": formattedBody, "msgtype": "m.text" }; this.matrixClient.sendEvent(room.roomId, "", content, "", (err, res) => { if (err != null) { console.error(err); } }); } } } const defaultInsults = [ "your mother will die in her sleep tonight", "you're gay", "you're a nigger", "you're a kike", "you're Jewish", "you suck dick", "you STINK", "you're a retard nigger monkey", "you're a coomer", "kittens will die", "everyone will know you're a homo", "I'll kill you", "you'll burn in Hell", "you'll get raped", "everyone will make fun of you", "FUCK YOU", "Jesus will frown upon you", "you're a slut", "you'll marry a whore and get divorced", "you're an aberrant", "you're an amateur", "you're an animal", "you're an anorak", "you're an ape", "you're an ape covered in human flesh", "you're an apefucker", "you're an arfarfan'arf", "you're an arse", "you're an arsebreath", "you're an arsecunt", "you're an arseface", "you're an arsehole", "you're an arse-licker", "you're an ass", "you're an assaholic", "you're an assbutt", "you're an ass clown", "you're an asscunt", "you're an assface", "you're an assfag", "you're an assfaggot", "you're an assfucker", "you're an asshat", "you're an asshole", "you're an ass-kisser", "you're an ass-licker", "you're an assmonkey", "you're an assmouth", "you're an assmunch", "you're an ass-nugget", "you're an ass sucker", "you're an asstard", "you're an asswagon", "you're an assweed", "you're an asswipe", "you're an aunt fucker", "you're a baby", "you're a backwoodsman", "you're a badass", "you're a badgerfucker", "you're a bag of dicks", "you're a Bag whore", "you're a ballkicker", "you're a ballsack", "you're a bandit", "you're a bangsat", "you're a barbarian", "you're a Barbie-fucker", "you're a bastard", "you're a bean head", "you're a beast", "you're a beetlehead", "you're a beginner", "you're a beldame", "you're a bell-end", "you're a berk", "you're a bespawler", "you're a Beta cuck", "you're a bimbo", "you're a birdbrain", "you're a birdfucker", "you're a bitch", "you're a bitchass", "you're a bitch ass motherfucker", "you're a bitch boy", "you're a bitchcunt", "you're a bitchdicksucker", "you're a bitchface", "you're a bitchfucker", "you're a bitchtits", "you're a bitchwad", "you're a bitchwhore", "you're a bitchzilla", "you're a biznatch", "you're a blackguard", "you're a blaggard", "you're a blockhead", "you're a blubber gut", "you're a bluntie", "you're a bogeyman", "you're a bonehead", "you're a boob", "you're a booby", "you're a boomer", "you're a bootlicker", "you're a boozer", "you're a boyfucker", "you're a bozo", "you're a brainlet", "you're a brickfucker", "you're a brickhead", "you're a brotherfucker", "you're a buffoon", "you're a bugfucker", "you're a bugger", "you're a bullfuck", "you're a bum", "you're a bumbo", "you're a bum chum", "you're a bum-fucker", "you're a burden", "you're a buttass", "you're a buttbreath", "you're a buttfucker", "you're a butthead", "you're a butthole", "you're a buttkisser", "you're a buttlicker", "you're a buttmunch", "you're a butt sniffer", "you're a Cad", "you're a camelfucker", "you're a catfucker", "you're a caveman", "you're a chauvinist", "you're a chav", "you're a cheater", "you're a chicken", "you're a chickenfucker", "you're a childfucker", "you're a chode", "you're a chump", "you're a churl", "you're a clitbag", "you're a clithead", "you're a Clod", "you're a clown", "you're a cock", "you're a cockalorum", "you're a cockboy", "you're a cockburger", "you're a cockfucker", "you're a cockhead", "you're a cockholster", "you're a cockmaster", "you're a cockroach", "you're a cocksucker", "you're a cockwaddle", "you're a cockweasel", "you're a cockwomble", "you're a coffee slurper", "you're a con man", "you're a con merchant", "you're a coomer", "you're a corpsefucker", "you're a cougar", "you're a country bumpkin", "you're a cousinfucker", "you're a cow", "you're a coward", "you're a cowfucker", "you're a crackhead", "you're a crack whore", "you're a craphole", "you're a creep", "you're a cretin", "you're a cro magnon", "you're a crook", "you're a cuckold", "you're a cumbucket", "you're a cum dumpster", "you're a cum guzzler", "you're a cum-licker", "you're a cumslut", "you're a cumstain", "you're a cunt", "you're a cuntass", "you're a cuntbiscuit", "you're a cuntbitch", "you're a cuntbreath", "you're a cuntface", "you're a cunt fart", "you're a cuntfucker", "you're a cuntlicker", "you're a cunt muncher", "you're a cunt rag", "you're a cuntshit", "you're a cuntsucker", "you're a cuntzilla", "you're a dandiprat", "you're a daughterfucker", "you're a deadhead", "you're a degenerate", "you're a der-brain", "you're a desperado", "you're a devil", "you're a dick", "you're a dickass", "you're a dickbag", "you're a dickbreath", "you're a dickcheese", "you're a dickface", "you're a dickfucker", "you're a dickhead", "you're a dickhole", "you're a dickless", "you're a dicklicker", "you're a dick man", "you're a dick mouth", "you're a dick sniffer", "you're a dicksplash", "you're a dick-sucker", "you're a dicktard", "you're a dickwad", "you're a dickweasel", "you're a dick weed", "you're a dildo", "you're a dillhole", "you're a dimmadumbass", "you're a dimwit", "you're a ding-head", "you're a dingleberry", "you're a dinosaur", "you're a dipfuck", "you're a dipshit", "you're a dirtbag", "you're a dirthead", "you're a dirtwad", "you're a dodo", "you're a dog", "you're a dogbolt", "you're a dogbreath", "you're a dogfucker", "you're a dolt", "you're a donkey", "you're a donkey dick", "you're a donkeyfucker", "you're a doofus", "you're a dope", "you're a dotterel", "you're a douche", "you're a douche bag", "you're a doucheburger", "you're a douche canoe", "you're a douchefag", "you're a douchelord", "you're a douche nozzle", "you're a douchewad", "you're a douchewagon", "you're a dracula", "you're a dreamer", "you're a drunkard", "you're a duckfucker", "you're a dumbarse", "you're a dumbass", "you're a dumbbell", "you're a dumb fucker", "you're a dumbo", "you're a dummy", "you're a dunce", "you're a duncebucket", "you're a dweebling", "you're an earthworm", "you're an edgelord", "you're an egghead", "you're an egotist", "you're an envirotard", "you're a eunuch", "you're a fag", "you're a faggot", "you're a faggotface", "you're a fagtard", "you're a fagtits", "you're a failed abortion", "you're a fanny", "you're a farmer", "you're a fart", "you're a fartface", "you're a fatass", "you're a fatfuck", "you're a fat geezer", "you're a fatherfucker", "you're a fatso", "you're a fat-tard", "you're a fatty", "you're a fellow", "you're a fetus", "you're a fibber", "you're a fink", "you're a fish", "you're a fish fucker", "you're a fishwife", "you're a fixer", "you're a flake", "you're a fool", "you're a freak", "you're a fruitcake", "you're a fuck", "you're a fuckass", "you're a fuckbait", "you're a fuckbucket", "you're a fucker", "you're a fuckface", "you're a fuckhead", "you're a fucking bitch", "you're a fucklord", "you're a fuck noggin", "you're a fucknose", "you're a fuck nugget", "you're a fuckrod", "you're a fuckshit", "you're a fuckskull", "you're a fuckstain", "you're a fuckster", "you're a fucktard", "you're a fucktoy", "you're a fuckweasel", "you're a fuckwhistle", "you're a fuckwit", "you're a fugly", "you're a gawk", "you're a gaytard", "you're a gaywad", "you're a geebag", "you're a gimp", "you're a git", "you're a gobshite", "you're a gold digger", "you're a goof", "you're a goon", "you're a goose", "you're a gorilla", "you're a grandmotherfucker", "you're a greeniac", "you're a grouch", "you're a grumpy", "you're a handfucker", "you're a headass", "you're a helldog", "you're a hikikomori", "you're a hilding", "you're a hillbilly", "you're a hippie", "you're a ho", "you're a hobbledehoy", "you're a hoe", "you're a hog", "you're a homo", "you're a hooligan", "you're a hooplehead", "you're a horsefucker", "you're a horse's ass", "you're a horse's necktie", "you're a hosebag", "you're a hussy", "you're a hypocrite", "you're an idiot", "you're an idiotist", "you're an idiot sandwich", "you're an ignoramus", "you're an imbecile", "you're an inbred", "you're an incel", "you're an intercourser", "you're a jabroni", "you're a jackass", "you're a jackhole", "you're a jackwagon", "you're a jagweed", "you're a jamoke", "you're a jelly", "you're a jerk", "you're a jerkoff", "you're a jerkwad", "you're a jit stain", "you're a jizz guzzler", "you're a joker", "you're a junkie", "you're a karen", "you're a kevun", "you're a keyboard warrior", "you're a kidfucker", "you're a klutz", "you're a lady of the evening", "you're a lamebrain", "you're a landwhale", "you're a langer", "you're a lard face", "you're a liar", "you're a libtard", "you're a lickspittle", "you're a lobotomite", "you're a loser", "you're a louse", "you're a low-life", "you're a lunatic", "you're a lunkhead", "you're a lurdane", "you're a lush", "you're a mackerel", "you're a madman", "you're a maggot", "you're a mamzer", "you're a meanie", "you're a megabitch", "you're a megadouche", "you're a mental midget", "you're a milksop", "you're a minx", "you're a missing link", "you're a mongoose", "you're a monkey", "you're a monkeyface", "you're a monster", "you're a mooncalf", "you're a moron", "you're a motherfucker", "you're a mousefucker", "you're a mouth breather", "you're a Mr. Anger", "you're a Mr. Obsessed", "you're a Mr. Struggle", "you're a Mr. Talk", "you're a mucky pup", "you're a mumpsimus", "you're a muppet", "you're a mutant", "you're a mutt", "you're a neanderthal", "you're a neckbeard", "you're a necrophiliac", "you're a ne'er-do-well", "you're a nephew fucker", "you're a nerd", "you're a nerf herder", "you're a niece fucker", "you're a nimrod", "you're a nincompoop", "you're a ninny", "you're a ninnyhammer", "you're a nitwit", "you're a nobody", "you're a non", "you're a nonce", "you're a noob", "you're a noodle", "you're a numbnuts", "you're a numbskull", "you're a numpty", "you're a numskull", "you're an oaf", "you're an oddball", "you're an ogre", "you're an oompa loompa", "you're an orphan", "you're an outlaw", "you're an oxygen thief", "you're a pack", "you're a pain in the ass", "you're a pariah", "you're a peasant", "you're a pedo", "you're a pedophile", "you're a penchod", "you're a pencil dick", "you're a penis face", "you're a penispuffer", "you're a penis sucker", "you're a pervert", "you're a pig", "you're a pigfucker", "you're a piggy-wiggy", "you're a pikspiller", "you're a pillock", "you're a pinhead", "you're a pirate", "you're a pissbrain", "you're a pissbreath", "you're a pissface", "you're a pisshead", "you're a pleb", "you're a plonker", "you're a pooface", "you're a poohead", "you're a poop hole", "you're a porno freak", "you're a potato", "you're a prick", "you're a prickface", "you're a pseudo-intellectual", "you're a pube flosser", "you're a pudwhacker", "you're a puke bag", "you're a pukeball", "you're a puppet", "you're a pussy", "you're a pussyboy", "you're a pussyfucker", "you're a pussy pisser", "you're a quack", "you're a quat", "you're a queer", "you're a queer bait", "you're a querulant", "you're a raasclaat", "you're a rabbitfucker", "you're a rat", "you're a ratcatcher", "you're a ratfink", "you're a ratfucker", "you're a redneck", "you're a reject", "you're a retard", "you're a riff-raff", "you're a roaster", "you're a robot", "you're a rowdy", "you're a rudesby", "you're a ruffian", "you're a runt", "you're a sadist", "you're a Sam Rea", "you're a saprophyte", "you're a sausage-masseuse", "you're a scobberlotcher", "you're a scoozie", "you're a scoundrel", "you're a scumbag", "you're a scumbreath", "you're a scumbutt", "you're a scumface", "you're a scumfuck", "you're a scumhead", "you're a scumlord", "you're a scumwad", "you're a scuzzbag", "you're a serf", "you're a sewer rat", "you're a shark", "you're a sheepfucker", "you're a sheepshagger", "you're a shill", "you're a shitass", "you're a shitbag", "you're a shitball", "you're a shitbird", "you're a shitbrain", "you're a shitbreath", "you're a shitbucket", "you're a shitbum", "you're a shitcunt", "you're a shitdick", "you're a shit-eater", "you're a shitehawk", "you're a shitface", "you're a shit-for-brains", "you're a shitfuck", "you're a shitfucker", "you're a shitgoblin", "you're a shithead", "you're a shitizen", "you're a shitlord", "you're a shitneck", "you're a shitnugget", "you're a shitpicker", "you're a shitpiss", "you're a shitpot", "you're a shitpuddle", "you're a shitsack", "you're a shit stain", "you're a shitter", "you're a shitweasel", "you're a shmekl", "you're a shrew", "you're a shyster", "you're a sibling fucker", "you're a simp", "you're a simpleton", "you're a sisterfucker", "you're a sister humper", "you're a skank", "you're a sket", "you're a skite", "you're a skullfucker", "you're a skunk", "you're a skunkfucker", "you're a slag", "you're a slave", "you're a sleazewad", "you're a sleeze", "you're a sleeze bag", "you're a slimeface", "you're a slob", "you're a slut", "you're a slutfucker", "you're a sluthead", "you're a smell-feast", "you're a smellfungus", "you're a snail", "you're a snake", "you're a snob", "you're a snollygoster", "you're a snot", "you're a snotball", "you're a snotface", "you're a snothead", "you're a snotwad", "you're a snowflake", "you're a son of a bitch", "you're a son of a motherless goat", "you're a son of a whore", "you're a sow", "you're a soy boy", "you're a spack", "you're a sped", "you're a sphincter", "you're a splenetic", "you're a square", "you're a stink cunt", "you're a stinker", "you're a stinkhole", "you're a straggot", "you're a stupid", "you're a swindler", "you're a swine", "you're a sycophant", "you're a thief", "you're a thotpocket", "you're a thundercunt", "you're a titbag", "you're a toad", "you're a Toe Eyed Cabbage", "you're a tomato", "you're a tool", "you're a tree hugger", "you're a troglodyte", "you're a troll", "you're a trollface", "you're a trolltard", "you're a turd", "you're a turdball", "you're a turdbucket", "you're a turdpile", "you're a twat", "you're a twattock", "you're a twatwaffle", "you're a twerp", "you're a twit", "you're a twunt", "you're a unclefucker", "you're a vagina cleaner", "you're a vampire", "you're a vandal", "you're a vantz", "you're a varmint", "you're a vermin", "you're a vonce", "you're a wacko", "you're a wallflower", "you're a wally", "you're a wanker", "you're a wank stain", "you're a Wazzock", "you're a weeze bag", "you're a weirdo", "you're a whore", "you're a whorefucker", "you're a whore's-bird", "you're a whoreson", "you're a windfucker", "you're a windsucker", "you're a wino", "you're a witch", "you're a womanizer", "you're a wommy", "you're a worm", "you're a wretch", "you're a xenophobe", "you're a yahoo", "you're a yes-man", "you're a yiffer", "you're a yonker", "you're a yutz", "you're a zebrafucker", "you're a zitface", "you're a zoophile", "you're a zounderkite" ]; module.exports = MorgBully;