diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 6af2a0b..87938c3 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -1,161 +1,50 @@
# glowers-radio
This repo contains backing information for Glowers Radio.
-## Contributing
-If you have a song in mind that would fit on Glowers Radio, you are free to create a PR or send in a diff for `generate.js`.
-The living schema is documented [below](#format) and mostly maps 1:1 to `MediaItem`, you should also check the `MediaItem` for the
-the media that is most similar to what you wish to add.
## Best Practices
-- Use an alpha-numeric id. Don't use dashes or hyphens; Uppercase characters *may* be used when appropriate.
-- Declare attribution info (track info) when available. If you do not know the original source, try to find it first.
-- Attribution info **must** be accurate and not an artists rendition.
-- Items that aren't primarily music should be tagged with `misc`.
-- Use the `metadata-prefer-id` tag if the actual title would be too long, cubersome, or unrelated. i.e:
- - `slamtris`: Slamtris - Quad City DJs vs Hirokazu Tanaka *(cumbersome)*
- - `dngyamom`: Dynamite by BTS but it's Doin' Your Mom *(cumbersome)*
- - `thisistheinfowar`: In the House, In a Heartbeat *(unrelated)*
- - `alexjones`: Alex Jones Remix: Renai Circulation *(cumbersome)*
- - `ywnbaw`: Professor proves SICKS are the best weapons *(unrelated)*
- - `whenblackissus`: Among Us theme song but it's in the style of Metallica's Black Album *(long and cumbersome)*
- - `niggatorial`: I'm The 2007 YouTube Tutorial *(cumbersome)*
- - `honorary`: Erika *(unrelated)*
+- Use an alpha-numeric id. Don't use dashes or hyphens
+- Add proper song metadata when appropriate. Attribution data should be added when possible
+- Keep all media assets under 10MB, a single item's assets should not be over 15MB.
+- Add codec information for your sources.
+- Mimic other items if you're unsure about something.
+## Examples
-- Use `image/png`, `image/jpg`, `image/gif`, `audio/mp3`, and `video/mp4`. Files *should* be under 10MB and be of reasonable or tolerable quality
-- Try not to use reuploads, remasters, or edits, as the source; Unless the edit or remaster is the actual media.
-- Don't use videos where audio alongside artwork would be functionally identical. Lyrics videos are ok
-- Sources *should* contain codec information; if you are unsure of what correct codecs to declare, do not declare any or ask for help.
- No codec declarations are better than incorrect codec declarations. See [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Media/Formats/codecs_parameter#basic_syntax) for details
-- All content *should* be hosted on Glowers Club. If you do not Glow, then your sources will be reuploaded if your Item(s) are accepted
-- `video/` **must** have a thumbnail preview.
-- `video/` *should* have a `EDisplayType.SQUARE` fallback for audioOnly, and for when the agent does not support the provided `video/`.
-- Animated previews **must** always have a `image/gif` fallback.
-- Avoid using `EDisplayType.LANDSCAPE` when possible.
-- `EDisplayType.SQUARE` previews **must** be exactly `1:1`; `EDisplayType.LANDSCAPE` previews *should* be exactly `16:9`, or **must** be a close equivalent
-### `addTrackInfo`
-`setMetadata` will be deprecated in favor of `addTrackInfo` to allow additional attribution information to be stored.
-`addTrackInfo` is more verbose than `setMetadata`. Check the JSDoc blocks for `RadioMetadata.new`
-`RadioMetadata` methods beginning with `b` are auto-generated from `BMetadataType`.
-Avoid being *too autistic* with additional info, just note the main stuff. You don't have to add the Randy Marsh saying nigger clip
-because it's used a single time in a ytpmv.
-Support for raw `href` values will remain, however an appropriate `createURI` function should be used instead.
-## Format
-The `songs.json` format **is only intended for use for Glowers Radio**, and is effectively a living standard as a result. **Live data may change drastically without warning**
-If you do wish to use this data for your own purposes, i.e: to make a custom player, you should be caching the songs list so your application has something to fallback to if a breaking change to the format is made.
-required: [ version, songs ]
- GWRadioURI:
- type: uri
- description: 'A URI that points to the source file. See `GWMediaPlayer.fromURIToAbsolute()` for how to convert to a URL'
- MediaCodecs:
- type: array
- description: 'An array of codecs contained within the source file. Items should follow RFC6381'
- items:
- - type: string
- version: { type: integer }
- songs:
- items:
- required: [ id, sources ]
- properties:
- id:
- type: string
- tags:
- description: 'A list of tags used for filtering.'
- type: array
- items:
- - const: sus
- description: >-
- Media information will render in the Among Us Font.
- In imposter mode, only songs tagged with sus will be in shuffle
- - const: niggers
- description: >-
- Media that was originally available through the now-defunct nigge.rs online radio.
- Tagged items may contain the original _nigid and/or _nigkey as metadata
- $seeAlso:
- - '#/properties/songs/items/properties/metadata/properties/_nigid'
- - '#/properties/songs/items/properties/metadata/properties/_nigkey'
- - const: splash-song
- description: 'Media that can play on the Glowers Club splash page.'
- - const: misc
- description: 'Media that does not significantly contain music.'
- - const: moonman
- description: 'Moonman songs'
- - const: metadata-prefer-id
- description: >-
- Use the Media id instead of the metadata title for MediaSession.
- Primarily for media where the source title does not match the assigned id
- - regex: '^radio\-media\-style\-[a-z\-]+'
- description: >-
- Used to add or remove styling for particular Media, such as to remove the
- Album Art box or disable background blur.
- - type: string
- description: 'Tags may also be arbitrary'
- metadata:
- required: [ title, artist ]
- properties:
- title: { type: string }
- artist: { type: string }
- href:
- $ref: "#/$defs/GWRadioURI"
- description: 'A URI where the original source can be found, if known. Link may be dead'
- _nigid:
- $seeAlso: '#/properties/songs/items/properties/tags/items/1'
- description: 'The original song id from nigge.rs.'
- type: string
- _nigkey:
- $seeAlso: '#/properties/songs/items/properties/tags/items/1'
- description: 'Content of _id from the original nigge.rs song entry.'
- type: string
- sources:
- type: array
- items:
- - required: [ type, url ]
- properties:
- type: { type: string, format: mimetype }
- codecs: { "$ref": "#/$defs/MediaCodecs" }
- uri: { "$ref": "#/$defs/GWRadioURI" }
- previews:
- description: >-
- This is an array so GWMediaPlayer can better display videos being played as audio only.
- The first Item is how the MediaItem *should* be displayed, other Items are alternative versions the player may use.
- type: array
- items:
- - properties:
- display_type:
- description: 'Used to determine how the media should be displayed. See GWMediaPlayer.EDisplayType'
- type: string
- type: { type: string, format: mimetype }
- codecs: { "$ref": "#/$defs/MediaCodecs" }
- uri: { "$ref": "#/$defs/GWRadioURI" }
- size: { type: string }
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLAV("hummer guy ytpmv", "gud boi", RadioMetadata.createYouTubeURI("A2Fd4NHreI0")).bOfficial())
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLA("Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites (Sihk Happy Hardcore Remix)", "SIHK", RadioMetadata.createYouTubeURI("Z01Tsgwe2dQ")).setFor(0).bOriginal().bOfficial())
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLA(null, null, RadioMetadata.createSoundcloudURI("skrillex-scary-monsters-nice-sprites-sihk-happy-hardcore-remix-free-dl", "sihk66")).setFor(0).bOriginal().bOfficial().bAlt())
+ .addSource(RadioSource.new("video/mp4", [ "avc1.4D4029", "mp4a.40.2" ])
+ .setURI("mxc://glowers.club/jnmPzoUhxCTrvRZmpxmGXYMr")
+ .addPreview("mxc://glowers.club/AmkQLtUuuCixPKNzkugAkiHh", "image/jpg", "800x449"))
+ .addSource(RadioSource.new("audio/mp3", [ "mp3" ])
+ .setURI("mxc://glowers.club/wtsFmPEzerDPdzOSQraBzupN")
+ .addPreview("mxc://glowers.club/UPPtHMbKXrEaeHLDYovVkZRt", "image/jpg", "440x440")),
+ .setMiscInfo(RadioMiscInfo.new().bExplicit().bMetadataPreferId())
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLAV("wholesome ytpmv :3", "KrazedDonut", RadioMetadata.createYouTubeURI("LVdJ6cqqiUA")).bOfficial().bUnavailable().bExplicit())
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLA("Spin ye Bottle (Minigame)", "Jake Kaufman", RadioMetadata.createBandcampURI("spin-ye-bottle-minigame", "virt")).setFor(0).bOriginal().bOfficial())
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLA(null, null, RadioMetadata.createAppleMusicURI(1170509291)).setFor(0).bOriginal().bOfficial().bAlt())
+ .addSource(RadioSource.new("video/mp4", [ "avc1.4D4029", "mp4a.40.2" ])
+ .setURI("mxc://glowers.club/FztaIVnDJeHkYQfZmdHFOdnP")
+ .addPreview("mxc://glowers.club/FKCKRytGQEFRJUxTfeKjXmXz", "image/jpg", "800x450"))
+ .addSource(RadioSource.new("audio/mp3", [ "mp3" ])
+ .setURI("mxc://glowers.club/hqRzxaQMWfQoZGpiPIbyNSEk")
+ .addPreview("mxc://glowers.club/JurRLPteOyFLrfJoRJuzbZkH", "image/jpg", "500x500")),
+ .setMiscInfo(RadioMiscInfo.new().bExplicit())
+ .addItemInfo(RadioMetadata.newLA("Black Lives (Still Don't) Matter", "Moonman").bExplicit().bPseudonym())
+ .addSource(RadioSource.new("audio/mp3", [ "mp3" ])
+ .setURI("mxc://glowers.club/GfcCntGLSZsYkkzzkaoJrUWx")
+ .addPreview("mxc://glowers.club/yyWJVkClXhWIFqgayFFtZZDJ", "image/jpg", "500x500")),
+## Integrations
+See [data/schema.yaml] for JSONSchema documentation. You may also want to inspect the code within [lib/]