#!/bin/bash # Ask user for the JSON file location echo "Enter the path to summaries.json:" read JSON_FILE # Check if file exists if [ ! -f "$JSON_FILE" ]; then echo "File not found!" exit 1 fi # Ask user for the output file location echo "Enter the path where the output should be written:" read OUTPUT_FILE TMP_JSON="$JSON_FILE.tmp" cp "$JSON_FILE" "$TMP_JSON" # Process each report and update in TMP_JSON jq --raw-output '.[] | select(.room? and .room.room_id) | .room.room_id' "$JSON_FILE" | while read -r room_id; do # Double hash the room_id HASHED_ID=$(echo -n "$room_id" | sha256sum -b | cut -d ' ' -f1 | xxd -r -p | sha256sum | cut -d ' ' -f1) # Update hashed id in TMP_JSON inside 'room' jq --arg room_id "$room_id" --arg hashed_id "$HASHED_ID" 'map(if .room? and .room.room_id == $room_id then .room += {"room_id_hash": $hashed_id} else . end)' "$TMP_JSON" > "$TMP_JSON.tmp" && mv "$TMP_JSON.tmp" "$TMP_JSON" done # For compact output jq -c '.' "$TMP_JSON" > "$OUTPUT_FILE" rm "$TMP_JSON" echo "Processing complete. Modified JSON saved to $OUTPUT_FILE. The summaries.json file now has double hashes of the room_id in every report!"