
328 lines
15 KiB

import os
import subprocess
import json
import random
import string
import time
import user_commands
import room_commands
import report_commands
import hardcoded_variables
rdlist_tag_descriptions = {
"csam": "Child Sexual Abuse Material",
"cfm": "An abundance of content which would directly appeal to those seeking csam.",
"jailbait": "Photos which contain underage individuals in questionable or suggestive situations.",
"tfm": "An abundance of content which would directly appeal to those seeking jailbait.",
"beastiality": "Self explanatory.",
"3d_loli": "Pornography which depicts photorealistic underage characters.",
"stylized_3d_loli": "Pornography which depicts underage characters that are not depicted in a realistic style.",
"gore": "Self explanatory.",
"snuff": "Self explanatory.",
"degen_misc": "Other types of coomers rooms.",
"degen_larp": "Coomer larp rooms.",
"degen_meet": "Coomer socializing rooms.",
"degen_porn": "Rooms dedicated to pornography, excluding types which have dedicated tags.",
"bot_porn": "Rooms which contain bots that spam pornographic content.",
"bot_spam": "Rooms which contain bots that spam content. Primarily for malvertising and cryptospam",
"preban": "Rooms which may not contain tagged content, however have clear intent. i.e: Rooms with names like 'CP Room', 'Child Porn', etc",
"hub_room_trade": "Rooms which exist solely to trade illegal or questionable content. i.e: csam, jailbait",
"hub_room_sussy": "A room which is sussy. This tag does not have a solid definition, see existing tagged rooms",
"abandoned": "Similar to 'anarchy', primarily for rooms which have automated spam bots.",
"anarchy": "Unmoderated rooms.",
"hub_room_underage": "Rooms which contain a disproportionate amount of underage users.",
"hub_room_links": "Rooms which exist to share links to other rooms.",
"toddlercon": "Lolicon but younger.",
"loli": "Rooms which exist to host lolicon.",
def sync_rdlist():
rdlist_dir = "./rdlist"
os.makedirs(rdlist_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Check if the rdlist repo has already been cloned
if os.path.isdir("./rdlist/.git"):
print("\nrdlist repo already cloned...")
# Update git remote references and get status["git", "remote", "update"], check=True)
status =["git", "status", "-uno"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
# If "Your branch is up to date" is not in the status, then there are changes to pull
if "Your branch is up to date" not in status.stdout.decode():
print("Pulling latest changes from rdlist repo...")
os.chdir("./rdlist/")["git", "pull"], check=True)
print("rdlist repo is up-to-date, no need to pull changes.")
print("Cloning rdlist repo...")["git", "clone", "ssh://"], check=True)
# def build_incident_report(users_list):
# # Git clone the rdlist repo to ./rdlist/
# sync_rdlist()
# # Load the summaries JSON file
# summaries_path = os.path.join("rdlist", "dist", "summaries.json")
# with open(summaries_path, 'r') as file:
# data = json.load(file)
# return incidents_dict
# # Example of the data structure we're trying to build/transform:
# # users_list = ["", "", "", "", ""]
# #
# # becomes:
# #
# # incidents_dict = {
# # f"": {
# # "!": ["csam", "lolicon", "beastiality"],
# # "!": ["csam", "anarchy"]
# # },
# # f"": {
# # "!": ["csam", "lolicon", "toddlercon"],
# # "!": ["csam", "terrorism"]
# # },
# # f"": {
# # "!": ["csam", "lolicon", "jailbait"],
# # "!": ["csam", "hub_links"]
# # },
# # f"": {
# # "!": ["csam", "jailbait"],
# # "!": ["csam", "pre_ban"]
# # },
# # f"": {
# # "!": ["csam", "lolicon"],
# # "!": ["csam", "degen"]
# # }
# # }
# A function to return the rdlist tags associated with a room
def get_rdlist_tags(preset_internal_ID):
if preset_internal_ID == '':
internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you wish to query (Example: ! ")
elif preset_internal_ID != '':
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
# Git clone the rdlist repo to ./rdlist/
# Load the summaries JSON file
summaries_path = os.path.join("rdlist", "dist", "summaries.json")
with open(summaries_path, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
# Find the room with the given id and return its tags
for item in data:
if 'room' in item and 'room_id' in item['room'] and item['room']['room_id'] == internal_ID:
if 'report_info' in item and 'tags' in item['report_info']:
return item['report_info']['tags']
return None
def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(rdlist_use_recommended,preset_user_ID,preset_new_room_name,preset_message):
# Git clone the rdlist repo to ./rdlist/
if rdlist_use_recommended == True:
# Use the hardcoded recommended tags
blocked_tags = hardcoded_variables.rdlist_recommended_tags
print(f"\nUsing recommended rdlist tags. Rooms matching the following tags will be purged and/or blocked:\n{hardcoded_variables.rdlist_recommended_tags}")
elif rdlist_use_recommended == False:
# After the git repo has been cloned/pulled, open the file and read it into a string
with open(os.path.join("rdlist", "lib", "docs", ""), 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
# Print ./rdlist/lib/docs/ README file for the user
print("\nPrinting details about the current tags in rdlist:\n")
for line in data:
print(line, end='') # Print the contents of the file
# Take input from the user and convert it to a list
print("\nPlease enter a space seperated list of tags you wish to block:\n")
blocked_tags = input().split()
# Load the summaries JSON file
summaries_path = os.path.join("rdlist", "dist", "summaries.json")
with open(summaries_path, 'r') as file:
data = json.load(file)
# Create an empty list to store all the room_ids
all_room_ids = []
# Iterate over blocked_tags
for tag in blocked_tags:
# Filter the data to keep only the entries where the tag appears in the "tags" list
filtered_data = [item for item in data if 'report_info' in item and 'tags' in item['report_info'] and tag in item['report_info']['tags']]
# Extract the room_ids
room_ids = [item['room']['room_id'] for item in filtered_data if 'room' in item and 'room_id' in item['room']]
# Add the room_ids to the list of all room_ids
# If choosing specific tags, print the tag and corresponding room_ids
if rdlist_use_recommended == False:
# Print the tag and corresponding room_ids
print(f"Tag: {tag}\nRoom IDs: {room_ids}\n")
# Deduplicate the list of all room_ids
all_room_ids = list(set(all_room_ids))
# Examine these room_ids for local and remote users
all_local_users = []
all_remote_users = []
for room_id in all_room_ids:
joined_local_members = room_commands.get_room_members(room_id, True)
joined_remote_members = room_commands.get_room_members(room_id, False)
# Deduplicate the list of all local users
all_local_users = list(set(all_local_users))
#print("all_local_users: " + str(all_local_users))
# If there's at least 1 local user detected, ask the admin if they want to generate a user report for every user found in rdlist rooms
if len(all_local_users) > 0:
print(f"\nWARNING! The following local users are current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: {all_local_users}")
generate_user_report_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to generate a user report file for each of these users? y/n? ")
if generate_user_report_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
for user_id in all_local_users:
elif generate_user_report_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']:
print("\nSkipping user report generation...\n")
elif len(all_local_users) == 0:
print(f"\nNo local users were found in rdlist rooms.")
# Deduplicate the list of all remote users
all_remote_users = list(set(all_remote_users))
all_remote_users = [user for user in all_remote_users if user not in all_local_users]
#print("all_remote_users: " + str(all_remote_users))
# Ask the admin if they would like to mail off an incident report for every remote user found in rdlist rooms
# if len(all_remote_users) > 0:
# print(f"\nThe following remote users are current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: {all_remote_users}")
# send_incident_report_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to send an incident report to the abuse email address for each of these users? y/n? ")
# if send_incident_report_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
# build_incident_report(all_remote_users)
# #for user_id in all_remote_users:
# # report_commands.send_incident_report(user_id)
# elif send_incident_report_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']:
# print("\nSkipping incident report generation...\n")
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms, then collect shutdown parameters
if preset_user_ID == '':
user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ")
elif preset_user_ID != '':
user_ID = preset_user_ID
if preset_new_room_name == '':
new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ")
elif preset_new_room_name != '':
new_room_name = preset_new_room_name
if preset_message == '':
message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ")
elif preset_message != '':
message = preset_message
#print(f"all_room_ids: {all_room_ids}")
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms
shutdown_confirmation = input("\nNumber of rdlist rooms being shutdown: " + str(len(all_room_ids)) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to block/shutdown these rooms? y/n? ")
total_list_kicked_users = []
num_rooms_blocked = 0
num_rooms_purged = 0
if shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
for room_id in all_room_ids:
blocked_status = room_commands.get_block_status(room_id)
#print(f"\nroom_details_dict: {room_details_dict}")
#print(f"\nblock_status: {blocked_status}")
# If room is already blocked, skip it
if blocked_status == False:
# Examine if unblocked room is known, if not block it
room_details_dict = room_commands.get_room_details(room_id)
if "Room not found" in room_details_dict.get('error', ''):
print(f"\n\nBlocking unknown room: {room_id}")
room_commands.set_block_status(room_id, True)
num_rooms_blocked += 1
# If unblocked room is known, perform a shutdown of the room
print(f"\n\nShutting down known room: {room_id}")
list_kicked_users = room_commands.shutdown_room(room_id, user_ID, new_room_name, message, True, True)
num_rooms_purged += 1
if hardcoded_variables.testing_mode == True:
elif blocked_status == True:
print(f"\n\nSkipping already blocked room: {room_id}")
if hardcoded_variables.testing_mode == True:
elif shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']:
print("\nSkipping blocking/shutdown of rooms...\n")
print("\nInvalid input, skipping these files...\n")
# Deduplicate the list of all kicked users
total_list_kicked_users = list(set(total_list_kicked_users))
# Return the list of all kicked users
return num_rooms_blocked, num_rooms_purged, total_list_kicked_users
def block_recommended_rdlist_tags():
# Print warning if testing mode is enabled
if hardcoded_variables.testing_mode == True:
print("\nWARNING! Testing mode is enabled, this will reduce the amount of data generated in reports and greatly slow down rdlist blocking!\n")
# Check if user account already exists
account_query = user_commands.query_account(hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username)
# Generate random password
rdlist_bot_password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(20))
# If user is not found, create it
if 'User not found' in account_query:
# Create user account
user_commands.create_account(hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username, rdlist_bot_password)
print(f"\n@{hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username}:{hardcoded_variables.base_url} account already exists. Resetting account password.")
user_commands.reset_password(hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username, rdlist_bot_password)
# Promote bot user to server admin
print(f"\nEnsuring @{hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username}:{hardcoded_variables.base_url} account is a server admin.")
# Define default valies for shutdown_room()
preset_new_room_name = 'POLICY VIOLATION'
# Block all rooms with recommended tag set
num_rooms_blocked, num_rooms_purged, total_list_kicked_users = block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(True, hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username, preset_new_room_name, preset_message)
# Print user login details
print("\n\nRoom shutdowns completed!\n\nUser login details for your moderator account:\n")
print("Username: " + hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username)
print("Password: " + rdlist_bot_password)
# Print statistics for the admin
print(f"\nPrint rdlist statistics:")
print(f"\nNumber of rooms blocked: {num_rooms_blocked}")
print(f"Number of rooms purged: {num_rooms_purged}")
print(f"Number of local users located in rdlist rooms and kicked: {len(total_list_kicked_users)}")
print(f"\nThe following users were current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: {total_list_kicked_users}")
# Ask admin if they want to deactivate all the accounts that were kicked from rdlist rooms
deactivate_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to also deactivate all these accounts that were kicked from rdlist rooms? y/n? ")
if deactivate_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
for user_id in total_list_kicked_users:
print(f"\nThese accounts have been deactivated.")
elif deactivate_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']:
print("\nSkipping account deactivations...\n")