import os import requests import json import csv import time import socket import hardcoded_variables import user_commands # Should use: def is_valid_ipv4(ip): try: socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ip) except socket.error: # not a valid address return False return True def analyse_account_ip(preset_username): if not preset_username: preset_username = input("\nPlease enter a username to analyse their country of origin: ") data = user_commands.whois_account(preset_username=preset_username) user_id = data['user_id'] device_data = data['devices'] ip_info = {} for device_id, device_info in device_data.items(): for session in device_info['sessions']: for connection in session['connections']: ip = connection['ip'] if is_valid_ipv4(ip) and len(hardcoded_variables.ipinfo_token) > 0: res = requests.get(f"{ip}", headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.ipinfo_token}"}) if res.status_code == 200: country = res.json().get('country') ip_info[ip] = country if len(hardcoded_variables.ipinfo_token) == 0: return {"user_id": user_id, "ip_info": "IPINFO DISABLED"} else: return {"user_id": user_id, "ip_info": ip_info} def analyse_multiple_account_ips(): print("Analyse multiple user IPs selected") user_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of Matrix usernames: ") with open(user_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) print(len(data)) print("\n" + str(data)) output_file = None if len(data) > 10: file_confirmation = input("\nThere are more than 10 users. Would you like to save the output to a file? y/n?\n") if file_confirmation.lower() in ("y", "yes"): output_file = input("\nPlease enter the desired output file path:\n") analyse_confirmation = input("\n\nAre you sure you want to analyse the IP of all of these users? y/n?\n") if analyse_confirmation.lower() in ("y", "yes"): x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): output = analyse_account_ip(data[x][0]) # if output file is specified, append to file if output_file: with open(output_file, 'a') as f: f.write(output + "\n") x += 1 time.sleep(1) if analyse_confirmation.lower() in ("n", "no"): print("\nExiting...\n") if output_file and os.path.isfile(output_file): print(f"Output saved to {output_file}")