# modtool.py # an easy moderation tool for matrix/synapse # # created by @michael:perthchat.org # # This work is published under the MIT license, for more information on this license see here: https://opensource.org/license/mit/ # # To do: # 1) Add https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/master/docs/admin_api/delete_group.md # 2) Make the menu prettier! # 3) Add reporting functions for users # 4) Add reporting functions for rooms # 5) Add a function to extract a users email # 6) import subprocess import csv import time import os import json import re ########################################################################### # These values can be hard coded for easier usage: # homeserver_url = "matrix.example.org" base_url = "example.org" access_token = "" rdlist_recommended_tags = ['hub_room_links', 'preban', 'degen_misc', 'beastiality', 'degen_porn', 'gore', 'hub_room_trade', 'snuff', 'degen_larp', 'hub_room_sussy', 'bot_spam cfm', '3d_loli', 'jailbait', 'bot_porn', 'toddlercon', 'loli', 'csam', 'tfm', 'abandoned', 'degen_meet', 'stylized_3d_loli'] ########################################################################### def parse_username(username): tail_end = ':' + base_url username = username.replace('@','') username = username.replace(tail_end,'') return username def deactivate_account(preset_username): if len(preset_username) == 0: username = input("\nPlease enter the username to deactivate: ") username = parse_username(username) else: username = parse_username(preset_username) command_string = "curl -X POST -H \"Authorization: Bearer " + access_token + "\" 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/deactivate/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "' --data '{\"erase\": true}'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example: # $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" "https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/deactivate/@billybob:perthchat.org" --data '{"erase": true}' def reset_password(): username = input("\nPlease enter the username for the password reset: ") password = input("Please enter the password to set: ") username = parse_username(username) command_string = "curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"new_password\": \"" + password + "\", \"logout_devices\": true}' https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/reset_password/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "?access_token=" + access_token print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example: # $ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"new_password": "dogpoo", "logout_devices": true}' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/reset_password/@dogpoo:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def set_user_server_admin(): # tried setting 'admin: false' here but it failed and promoted the user instead! print("\nBe aware that you need to set at least 1 user to server admin already by editing the database in order to use this command. See https://github.com/PC-Admin/PC-Admins-Synapse-Moderation-Tool/blob/master/README.md for details on how to do this.") username = input("\nPlease enter the username you want to promote to server admin: ") username = parse_username(username) passthrough = 0 server_admin_result = "true" command_string = "curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"admin\": \"" + server_admin_result + "\"}' https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/users/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "/admin?access_token=" + access_token print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example: # $ curl -kX POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"admin": "true"}' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@dogpoo:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def query_account(preset_username): if preset_username == '': username = input("\nPlease enter the username you wish to query: ") elif preset_username != '': username = preset_username username = parse_username(username) command_string = "curl -kXGET https://" + homeserver_url + "/_matrix/client/r0/admin/whois/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "?access_token=" + access_token #print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output + "\n") # Example: # $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/r0/admin/whois/@PC-Admin:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def list_joined_rooms(preset_username): if preset_username == '': username = input("\nPlease enter the username you wish to query: ") elif preset_username != '': username = preset_username username = parse_username(username) command_string = "curl -kXGET https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/users/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "/joined_rooms?access_token=" + access_token #print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output + "\n") # Example: # $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/users/@PC-Admin:perthchat.org/joined_rooms?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def query_multiple_accounts(): print("Query multiple user accounts selected") user_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of Matrix usernames: ") with open(user_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) print(len(data)) query_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to query all of these users? y/n?\n") if query_confirmation == "y" or query_confirmation == "Y" or query_confirmation == "yes" or query_confirmation == "Yes": x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print(data[x][0]) query_account(data[x][0]) list_joined_rooms(data[x][0]) x += 1 #print(x) time.sleep(1) if query_confirmation == "n" or query_confirmation == "N" or query_confirmation == "no" or query_confirmation == "No": print("\nExiting...\n") def list_accounts(): deactivated_choice = input("Do you want to include deactivated accounts y/n? ") guest_choice = input("Do you want to include guest accounts y/n? ") if deactivated_choice == "y" or deactivated_choice == "Y" or deactivated_choice == "yes" or deactivated_choice == "Yes": deactivated_string = "deactivated=true" elif deactivated_choice == "n" or deactivated_choice == "N" or deactivated_choice == "no" or deactivated_choice == "No": deactivated_string = "deactivated=false" else: print("Input invalid! Defaulting to false.") deactivated_string = "deactivated=false" if guest_choice == "y" or guest_choice == "Y" or guest_choice == "yes" or guest_choice == "Yes": guest_string = "guest=true" elif guest_choice == "n" or guest_choice == "N" or guest_choice == "no" or guest_choice == "No": guest_string = "guest=false" else: print("Input invalid! Defaulting to false.") guest_string = "guest=false" command_string = "curl -kXGET \"https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v2/users?from=0&limit=1000000&" + guest_string + "&" + deactivated_string + "&access_token=" + access_token + "\"" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout number_of_users = output.count("name") # print("\nTotal amount of users: " + str(number_of_users)) if number_of_users < 100: print(output) elif number_of_users >= 100: accounts_output_file = input("\nThere are too many users to list here, please specify a filename to print this data too: ") f = open(accounts_output_file, "w") f.write(output) f.close() # Example: # $ curl -kXGET "https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users?from=0&limit=10&guests=false&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN" def create_account(preset_username,preset_password): if len(preset_username) == 0 and len(preset_password) == 0: username = input("\nPlease enter the username to create: ") username = parse_username(username) user_password = input("Please enter the password for this account: ") elif len(preset_username) > 0 and len(preset_password) > 0: username = parse_username(preset_username) user_password = preset_password else: print("\nError with user/pass file data, skipping...\n") command_string = "curl -kX PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"password\": \"" + user_password + "\"}' https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "?access_token=" + access_token print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example: # $ curl -kX PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": "user_password","admin": false,"deactivated": false}' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@billybob:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def create_multiple_accounts(): print("Create multiple user accounts selected") user_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of Matrix usernames: ") with open(user_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) print(len(data)) create_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to create these users? y/n?\n") if create_confirmation == "y" or create_confirmation == "Y" or create_confirmation == "yes" or create_confirmation == "Yes": x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print(data[x][0]) create_account(data[x][0],data[x][1]) x += 1 #print(x) time.sleep(10) if create_confirmation == "n" or create_confirmation == "N" or create_confirmation == "no" or create_confirmation == "No": print("\nExiting...\n") def deactivate_multiple_accounts(): print("Deactivate multiple user accounts selected") user_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a csv list of names: ") with open(user_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) delete_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to deactivate these users? y/n?\n") #print(len(data[0])) #print(data[0][0]) if delete_confirmation == "y" or delete_confirmation == "Y" or delete_confirmation == "yes" or delete_confirmation == "Yes": x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): #print(data[0][x]) deactivate_account(data[x][0]) x += 1 #print(x) time.sleep(10) if delete_confirmation == "n" or delete_confirmation == "N" or delete_confirmation == "no" or delete_confirmation == "No": print("\nExiting...\n") def list_room_details(preset_internal_ID): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you wish to query (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID command_string = "curl -kXGET 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/" + internal_ID + "?access_token=" + access_token + "'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example # $ curl -kXGET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/!OeqILBxiHahidSQQoC:matrix.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN' def export_room_state(preset_internal_ID): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room with with to export the 'state' of (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID os.chdir(current_directory) room_dir = current_directory + "/state_events" os.makedirs(room_dir, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(room_dir) unix_time = int(time.time()) command_string = "curl -kXGET 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/" + internal_ID + "/state?access_token=" + access_token + "' > ./" + internal_ID + "_state_" + str(unix_time) + ".json" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example # $ curl -kXGET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/!OeqILBxiHahidSQQoC:matrix.org/state?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN' # See # https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/admin_api/rooms.html#room-state-api def list_directory_rooms(): command_string = "curl -kXGET https://" + homeserver_url + "/_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms?access_token=" + access_token print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout output = output.replace('\"room_id\":\"','\n') output = output.replace('\",\"name','\n\",\"name') print(output) # Example # $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def remove_room_from_directory(preset_internal_ID): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you wish to remove from the directory (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID command_string = "curl -kX PUT -H \'Content-Type: application/json\' -d \'{\"visibility\": \"private\"}\' \'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/" + internal_ID + "?access_token=" + access_token + "\'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example # $ curl -kX PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"visibility": "private"}' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/!DwUPBvNapIVecNllgt:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN' def remove_multiple_rooms_from_directory(): print("Remove multiple rooms from directory selected") purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ") with open(purge_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print(data[x][0]) remove_room_from_directory(data[x][0]) x += 1 #print(x) time.sleep(1) def list_and_download_media_in_room(preset_internal_ID,preset_print_file_list_choice,preset_download_files_choice,base_directory): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to get a list of media for (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID command_string = "curl -kXGET https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/room/" + internal_ID + "/media?access_token=" + access_token print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) media_list_output = process.stdout #print("Full media list:\n" + media_list_output) if preset_print_file_list_choice == '': print_file_list_choice = input("\n Do you want to write this list to a file? y/n? ") elif preset_print_file_list_choice != '': print_file_list_choice = preset_print_file_list_choice if print_file_list_choice == "y" or print_file_list_choice == "Y" or print_file_list_choice == "yes" or print_file_list_choice == "Yes": print_file_list_choice = "true" elif print_file_list_choice == "n" or print_file_list_choice == "N" or print_file_list_choice == "no" or print_file_list_choice == "No": print_file_list_choice = "false" else: print("Input invalid! Defaulting to 'No'.") print_file_list_choice = "false" room_dir = "./" + internal_ID room_dir = room_dir.replace('!', '') room_dir = room_dir.replace(':', '-') os.mkdir(room_dir) os.chdir(room_dir) if print_file_list_choice == "true": media_list_filename_location = "./media_list.txt" media_list_filename = open(media_list_filename_location,"w+") media_list_filename.write(media_list_output) media_list_filename.close() if preset_download_files_choice == '': download_files_choice = input("\n Do you also want to download a copy of these media files? y/n? ") if preset_download_files_choice != '': download_files_choice = preset_download_files_choice if download_files_choice == "y" or download_files_choice == "Y" or download_files_choice == "yes" or download_files_choice == "Yes": download_files_choice = "true" elif download_files_choice == "n" or download_files_choice == "N" or download_files_choice == "no" or download_files_choice == "No": download_files_choice = "false" else: print("Input invalid! Defaulting to 'No'.") download_files_choice = "false" if download_files_choice == "true": media_list_output = media_list_output.split('\"') #print("New media list:\n" + str(media_list_output)) os.mkdir("./media-files") os.chdir("./media-files") count = 0 # Strips the newline character for line in media_list_output: if "mxc" in line: #print("Line is 1: \n\n" + line + "\n") line = line.replace('mxc://','') download_command = "wget https://" + homeserver_url + "/_matrix/media/r0/download/" + line print(download_command) download_process = subprocess.run([download_command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) os.chdir(base_directory) # Example # $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/room//media?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN # To access via web: # https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/ + server_name + "/" + media_id def redact_room_event(): internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room the event is in (Example: !rapAelwZkajRyeZIpm:perthchat.org): ") event_ID = input("\nEnter the event id of the event you wish to redact (Example: $lQT7NYYyVvwoVpZWcj7wceYQqeOzsJg1N6aXIecys4s): ") redaction_reason = input("\nEnter the reason you're redacting this content: ") command_string = "curl -X POST --header \"Authorization: Bearer " + access_token + "\" --data-raw '{\"reason\": \"" + redaction_reason + "\"}' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/" + internal_ID + "/redact/" + event_ID + "'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # $ curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_..." --data-raw '{"reason": "Indecent material"}' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/!fuYHAYyXqNLDxlKsWP:perthchat.org/redact/$nyjgZguQGadRRy8MdYtIgwbAeFcUAPqOPiaj_E60XZs' # {"event_id":"$_m1gFtPg-5DiTyCvGfeveAX2xaA8gAv0BYLpjC8xe64"} def download_media_from_multiple_rooms(): print("Download media from multiple rooms selected") download_media_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ") with open(download_media_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) preset_print_file_list_choice = input("\n Do you want to print list files of all the media in these rooms? y/n? ") preset_download_files_choice = input("\n Do you want to download all the media in these rooms? y/n? ") os.mkdir("./media_download") os.chdir("./media_download") pwd_process = subprocess.run(["pwd"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) base_directory = pwd_process.stdout base_directory = base_directory.replace('\n','') print(base_directory) print("Beginning download of media from all rooms in list...") x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print(data[x][0]) list_and_download_media_in_room(data[x][0],preset_print_file_list_choice,preset_download_files_choice,base_directory) x += 1 #print(x) time.sleep(1) def quarantine_media_in_room(): internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to quarantine, this makes local and remote data inaccessible (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") command_string = "curl -X POST \'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/room/" + internal_ID + "/media/quarantine?access_token=" + access_token + "\'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example # $ curl -X POST 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/room/!DwUPBvNapIVecNllgt:perthchat.org/media/quarantine?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN' def quarantine_users_media(): username = input("\nPlease enter the username of the user who's media you want to quarantine: ") username = parse_username(username) command_string = "curl -X POST \'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/user/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "/media/quarantine?access_token=" + access_token + "\'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) # Example: # $ curl -X POST https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/user/@PC-Admin:perthchat.org/media/quarantine?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN def shutdown_room(preset_internal_ID,preset_user_ID,preset_new_room_name,preset_message,preset_purge_choice,preset_block_choice): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want shutdown (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID if preset_user_ID == '': user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ") elif preset_user_ID != '': user_ID = preset_user_ID if preset_new_room_name == '': new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ") elif preset_new_room_name != '': new_room_name = preset_new_room_name if preset_message == '': message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ") elif preset_message != '': message = preset_message if preset_purge_choice == '': purge_choice = input("\nDo you want to purge the room? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ") elif preset_purge_choice != '': purge_choice = preset_purge_choice if preset_block_choice == '': block_choice = input("\nDo you want to block the room? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ") elif preset_block_choice != '': block_choice = preset_block_choice username = parse_username(user_ID) if purge_choice == "y" or purge_choice == "Y" or purge_choice == "yes" or purge_choice == "Yes": purge_choice = "true" elif purge_choice == "n" or purge_choice == "N" or purge_choice == "no" or purge_choice == "No": purge_choice = "false" else: print("Input invalid! exiting.") return if block_choice == "y" or block_choice == "Y" or block_choice == "yes" or block_choice == "Yes": block_choice = "true" elif block_choice == "n" or block_choice == "N" or block_choice == "no" or block_choice == "No": block_choice = "false" else: print("Input invalid! exiting.") return # First export the state events of the room to examine them later or import them to rdlist export_room_state(internal_ID) print ("Exported room state events to file, this data can be useful for profiling a room after you've blocked/purged it: ./state_events" + internal_ID + "_state.json") command_string = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' + access_token + "\" --data '{ \"new_room_user_id\": \"@" + username + ":" + base_url + "\" , \"room_name\": \"" + new_room_name + "\", \"message\": \"" + message + "\", \"block\": " + block_choice + ", \"purge\": " + purge_choice + " }' -X DELETE 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/" + internal_ID + "'" #print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout #print(output) status = "null" count = 0 sleep_time = 1 while status != "complete" and count < 8: time.sleep(sleep_time) count = count + 1 sleep_time = sleep_time * 2 command_string = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' + access_token + "\" -kX GET 'https://" + homeserver_url + '/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/' + internal_ID + "/delete_status'" #print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output_json = json.loads(process.stdout) #print(output_json) status = output_json["results"][0]["status"] print("status: " + status) #print("count: " + str(count)) if status != "complete": print("Sleeping for " + str(sleep_time) + " seconds...") if status == "complete": print(internal_ID + " has been successfully shutdown!") if str(output_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]) != '[]': print("List of kicked users:") for entry in output_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]: print(entry) print("") # Example: #$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{ "new_room_user_id": "@PC-Admin:perthchat.org", "room_name": "VIOLATION ROOM", "message": "YOU HAVE BEEN NAUGHTY!", "block": true, "purge": true }' -X DELETE 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org' # {"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD"} # Then check with: # $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -kX GET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org/delete_status' # {"results":[{"delete_id":"yRjYjwoTOXOnRQPa","status":"complete","shutdown_room":{"kicked_users":["@michael:perthchat.org"],"failed_to_kick_users":[],"local_aliases":[],"new_room_id":"!AXTUBcSlehQuCidiZu:perthchat.org"}}]} def shutdown_multiple_rooms(): print("Shutdown multiple rooms selected") purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file or directory containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ") file_list = [] # check if the input path is a directory or a file if os.path.isdir(purge_list_location): # iterate over all files in the directory for filename in os.listdir(purge_list_location): # construct full file path file_path = os.path.join(purge_list_location, filename) # add it to the list file_list.append(file_path) else: # it's a single file file_list.append(purge_list_location) preset_user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ") preset_new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ") preset_message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ") preset_purge_choice = input("\n Do you want to purge these rooms? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ") preset_block_choice = input("\n Do you want to block these rooms? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ") # Get the directory of the current script script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) room_list_data = [] for file in file_list: print("Processing file: " + file) # Change the current working directory os.chdir(script_dir) with open(file, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) room_list_data = room_list_data + data # Deduplicate the room_list_data room_list_data = [list(item) for item in set(tuple(row) for row in room_list_data)] shutdown_confirmation = input("\n" + str(room_list_data) + "\n\nNumber of rooms being shutdown: " + str(len(room_list_data)) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? ") if shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ["y", "yes"]: for room_id in room_list_data: shutdown_room(room_id[0], preset_user_ID, preset_new_room_name, preset_message, preset_purge_choice, preset_block_choice) time.sleep(10) elif shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ["n", "no"]: print("\nSkipping these files...\n") else: print("\nInvalid input, skipping these files...\n") # Example: # See shutdown_room() def delete_room(preset_internal_ID): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to delete (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID command_string = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' + access_token + "\" --data '{ \"block\": false, \"purge\": true }' -X DELETE 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/" + internal_ID + "'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) status = "null" count = 0 sleep_time = 0.5 while status != "complete" and count < 8: time.sleep(sleep_time) count = count + 1 sleep_time = sleep_time * 2 command_string = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' + access_token + "\" -kX GET 'https://" + homeserver_url + '/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/' + internal_ID + "/delete_status'" #print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) #print("\nOutput type: " + str(type(process.stdout))) #print("Output value: " + str(process.stdout) + "\n") output_json = json.loads(process.stdout) #print(output_json) status = output_json["results"][0]["status"] print("status: " + status) #print("count: " + str(count)) if status != "complete": print("Sleeping for " + str(sleep_time) + " seconds...") if status == "complete": print(internal_ID + " has been successfully deleted!") if str(output_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]) != '[]': print("List of kicked users:") for entry in output_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]: print(entry) print("") # Example: #$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{ "block": false, "purge": true }' -X DELETE 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org' # {"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD"} # Then check with: # $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -kX GET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org/delete_status' # {"results":[{"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD","status":"complete","shutdown_room":{"kicked_users":[],"failed_to_kick_users":[],"local_aliases":[],"new_room_id":null}}]} def delete_multiple_rooms(): print("Delete multiple rooms selected") purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ") with open(purge_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) delete_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these rooms? y/n? ") #print("len(data[0]) - " + str(len(data[0]))) #print("data[0][0] - " + data[0][0]) if delete_confirmation == "y" or delete_confirmation == "Y" or delete_confirmation == "yes" or delete_confirmation == "Yes": x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print("data[x][0] - " + data[x][0]) delete_room(data[x][0]) x += 1 #print(x) #time.sleep(2) # deleting a room is quicker then a full shutdown if delete_confirmation == "n" or delete_confirmation == "N" or delete_confirmation == "no" or delete_confirmation == "No": print("\nExiting...\n") # Example: # See delete_room() def purge_room_to_timestamp(preset_internal_ID, preset_timestamp): if preset_internal_ID == '': internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to delete (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): ") elif preset_internal_ID != '': internal_ID = preset_internal_ID if preset_timestamp == '': timestamp = input("\nEnter the epoche timestamp in microseconds (Example: 1661058683000): ") elif preset_timestamp != '': timestamp = preset_timestamp command_string = 'curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ' + access_token + "\" -X POST -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d '{ \"delete_local_events\": false, \"purge_up_to_ts\": " + timestamp + " }' 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history/" + internal_ID + "'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) output = process.stdout print(output) output_json = json.loads(process.stdout) purge_id = output_json["purge_id"] status = "null" count = 0 sleep_time = 0.5 while status != "complete" and count < 8: time.sleep(sleep_time) count = count + 1 sleep_time = sleep_time * 2 command_string = 'curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ' + access_token + "\" -kX GET 'https://" + homeserver_url + '/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history_status/' + purge_id + "'" print("\n" + command_string + "\n") process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) #print("\nOutput type: " + str(type(process.stdout))) #print("Output value: " + str(process.stdout) + "\n") output_json = json.loads(process.stdout) #print(output_json) status = output_json["status"] print("status: " + status) #print("count: " + str(count)) if status != "complete": print("Sleeping for " + str(sleep_time) + " seconds...") if status == "complete": print(internal_ID + " has successfully had its history purged!") print("") # Example: #$ curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_bW..." -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "delete_local_events": false, "purge_up_to_ts": 1661058683000 }' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history/!OnWgVbeuALuOEZowed:perthchat.org' #{"purge_id":"rfWgHeCWWyDoOJZn"} # Then check with: #$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer syt_bW..." -kX GET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history_status/rfWgHeCWWyDoOJZn' #{"status":"complete"} def purge_multiple_rooms_to_timestamp(): print("Purge the event history of multiple rooms to a specific timestamp selected") purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ") with open(purge_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) preset_timestamp = input("\nPlease enter the epoche timestamp in milliseconds you wish to purge too (for example 1661058683000): ") purge_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to purge the history of these rooms? y/n? ") print("len(data[0]) - " + str(len(data[0]))) print("data[0][0] - " + data[0][0]) if purge_confirmation == "y" or purge_confirmation == "Y" or purge_confirmation == "yes" or purge_confirmation == "Yes": x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print("data[x][0] - " + data[x][0]) purge_room_to_timestamp(data[x][0], preset_timestamp) x += 1 #print(x) if purge_confirmation == "n" or purge_confirmation == "N" or purge_confirmation == "no" or purge_confirmation == "No": print("\nExiting...\n") # Example: # See purge_room_to_timestamp() def delete_block_media(): # Take media_id from user media_id = input("\nEnter the media_id of the media you would like to delete and block on your server. (Example: For this media https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/eDmjusOjnHyFPOYGxlrOsULJ the media_id is 'eDmjusOjnHyFPOYGxlrOsULJ'): ") remote_server = input("\nEnter the remote servers URL without the 'https://' (Example: matrix.org): ") # find filesystem_id from database command_collect_filesystem_id = "ssh " + homeserver_url + """ "/matrix/postgres/bin/cli-non-interactive --dbname=synapse -t -c 'SELECT DISTINCT filesystem_id FROM remote_media_cache WHERE media_id = '\\''""" + media_id + """'\\'" | xargs""" print(command_collect_filesystem_id) process_collect_filesystem_id = subprocess.run([command_collect_filesystem_id], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) filesystem_id = process_collect_filesystem_id.stdout print(process_collect_filesystem_id.stdout) # list the target files on disk command_collect_thumbnails = "ssh " + homeserver_url + ' "find /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/' + remote_server + '/' + filesystem_id[:2] + "/" + filesystem_id[2:4] + "/" + filesystem_id[4:].rstrip() + """ -type f -printf '%p\\n'\"""" print(command_collect_thumbnails) process_collect_thumbnails = subprocess.run([command_collect_thumbnails], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) remote_thumbnails_list = process_collect_thumbnails.stdout print(remote_thumbnails_list) command_content_location = "ssh " + homeserver_url + ' "ls /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_content/' + remote_server + '/' + filesystem_id[:2] + "/" + filesystem_id[2:4] + "/" + filesystem_id[4:].rstrip() + '"' print(command_content_location) process_content_location = subprocess.run([command_content_location], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) remote_content_location = process_content_location.stdout print(remote_content_location) # Zero the target files on disk then chattr +i them for line in remote_thumbnails_list.split('\n'): if line: command_zero_thumbnails = 'ssh ' + homeserver_url + ' "true > ' + line + '"' print(command_zero_thumbnails) process_zero_thumbnails = subprocess.run(command_zero_thumbnails, shell=True) print(process_zero_thumbnails.stdout) command_make_thumbnail_immutable = 'ssh ' + homeserver_url + ' "chattr +i ' + line + '"' print(command_make_thumbnail_immutable) process_make_thumbnail_immutable = subprocess.run(command_make_thumbnail_immutable, shell=True) print(process_make_thumbnail_immutable.stdout) command_zero_media = 'ssh ' + homeserver_url + ' "true > ' + remote_content_location.rstrip() + '"' print(command_zero_media) process_remove_media = subprocess.run(command_zero_media, shell=True) print(process_remove_media.stdout) command_make_content_immutable = 'ssh ' + homeserver_url + ' "chattr +i ' + remote_content_location.rstrip() + '"' print(command_make_content_immutable) process_make_content_immutable = subprocess.run(command_make_content_immutable, shell=True) print(process_make_content_immutable.stdout) # Example, first use the media_id to find the filesystem_id: # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "/matrix/postgres/bin/cli-non-interactive --dbname=synapse -t -c 'SELECT DISTINCT filesystem_id FROM remote_media_cache WHERE media_id = '\''eDmjusOjnHyFPOYGxlrOsULJ'\'" | xargs # ehckzWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv # Then use that filesystem_id to locate the remote file and all it's thumbnails: # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "find /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv -type f -printf '%p\n'" #/matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv/32-32-image-jpeg-crop #/matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv/640-480-image-jpeg-scale # ... # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "ls /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_content/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv" # /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_content/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv # Then zero each file and make it immutable: # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "true > /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv/32-32-image-jpeg-crop" # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "chattr +i /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv/32-32-image-jpeg-crop" # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "true > /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv/640-480-image-jpeg-scale" # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "chattr +i /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_thumbnail/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv/640-480-image-jpeg-scale" # ... # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "true > /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_content/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv" # $ ssh matrix.perthchat.org "chattr +i /matrix/synapse/storage/media-store/remote_content/matrix.org/eh/ck/zWWeUkDhhPfNFkcfCFNv" def purge_remote_media_repo(): purge_from = input("\nEnter the number of days to purge from: ") purge_too = input("\nEnter the number of days to purge too: ") while int(purge_from) >= int(purge_too): epoche_command = "date --date '" + str(purge_from) + " days ago' +%s" print(epoche_command) epoche_time_process = subprocess.run([epoche_command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(epoche_time_process.stdout) epoche_time = epoche_time_process.stdout epoche_time_stripped = epoche_time.replace("\n", "") command_string = "curl -X POST --header \"Authorization: Bearer " + access_token + "\" 'https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_media_cache?before_ts=" + epoche_time_stripped + "000'" print(command_string) process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(process.stdout) purge_from = int(purge_from) - 1 time.sleep(2) # This loop is quite slow, our server was having disk issues. print("Done! :)") # Example: # $ date --date '149 days ago' +%s # 1589442217 # $ curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_media_cache?before_ts=1589439628000' def prepare_database_copy_of_multiple_rooms(): print("Preparing database copying of events from multiple rooms selected\n") print("This command needs to be run on the target server as root, it will setup postgres commands to download the join-leave events and all-events from a list of rooms.\n\nIt mounts a ramdisk beforehand at /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk\n\nThis function is only compatible with Spantaleevs Matrix deploy script: https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy\n") database_copy_list_location = input("Please enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ") with open(database_copy_list_location, newline='') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = list(reader) make_ramdisk_command = "mkdir /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk; mount -t ramfs -o size=512m ramfs /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk; chown -R matrix:matrix /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk" make_ramdisk_command_process = subprocess.run([make_ramdisk_command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(make_ramdisk_command_process.stdout) x = 0 while x <= (len(data) - 1): print(data[x][0]) roomid_trimmed = data[x][0] roomid_trimmed = roomid_trimmed.replace('!', '') roomid_trimmed = roomid_trimmed.replace(':', '-') os.mkdir("/matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk/" + roomid_trimmed) touch_command = "touch /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk/" + roomid_trimmed + "/dump_room_data.sql" touch_command_process = subprocess.run([touch_command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(touch_command_process.stdout) sql_file_contents = "\set ROOMID '" + data[x][0] + "'\nCOPY (SELECT * FROM current_state_events JOIN room_memberships ON room_memberships.event_id = current_state_events.event_id WHERE current_state_events.room_id = :'ROOMID') TO '/var/lib/postgresql/data/ramdisk/" + roomid_trimmed + "/user_join-leave.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;\nCOPY (SELECT * FROM event_json WHERE room_id=:'ROOMID') TO '/var/lib/postgresql/data/ramdisk/" + roomid_trimmed + "/room_events.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;" print(sql_file_contents) sql_file_location = "/matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk/" + roomid_trimmed + "/dump_room_data.sql" sql_file = open(sql_file_location,"w+") sql_file.write(sql_file_contents) sql_file.close() x += 1 #print(x) time.sleep(1) chown_command = "chown -R matrix:matrix /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk; docker restart matrix-postgres" chown_command_process = subprocess.run([chown_command], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(chown_command_process.stdout) print("\nThe sql query files have been generated, as postgres user in container run:\n# docker exec -it matrix-postgres /bin/bash\nbash-5.0$ export PGPASSWORD=your-db-password\nbash-5.0$ for f in /var/lib/postgresql/data/ramdisk/*/dump_room_data.sql; do psql --host= --port=5432 --username=synapse -w -f $f; done\n\nAfter copying the data to a cloud location law enforcement can access, clean up the ramdisk like so:\n# rm -r /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk/*\n# umount /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk") def sync_rdlist(): rdlist_dir = "./rdlist" os.makedirs(rdlist_dir, exist_ok=True) # Check if the rdlist repo has already been cloned if os.path.isdir("./rdlist/.git"): print("rdlist repo already cloned...") pull_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to pull the latest changes? y/n? ") if pull_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']: os.chdir("./rdlist/") command_string = "git pull" process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) os.chdir("..") print(process.stdout) else: print("Skipping git pull...") else: print("Cloning rdlist repo...") command_string = "git clone https://code.glowers.club/loj/rdlist.git" process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True) print(process.stdout) def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(rdlist_use_recommended): # Git clone the rdlist repo to ./rdlist/ sync_rdlist() # After the git repo has been cloned/pulled, open the file and read it into a string with open(os.path.join("rdlist", "lib", "docs", "tags.md"), 'r') as file: data = file.readlines() # Print ./rdlist/lib/docs/tags.md README file for the user print("\nPrinting details about the current tags in rdlist:\n") for line in data: print(line, end='') # Print the contents of the file if rdlist_use_recommended == True: # Take input from the user and convert it to a list blocked_tags = rdlist_recommended_tags elif rdlist_use_recommended == False: # Take input from the user and convert it to a list print("\nPlease enter a space seperated list of tags you wish to block:\n") blocked_tags = input().split() print('') # Load the summaries JSON file summaries_path = os.path.join("rdlist", "dist", "summaries.json") with open(summaries_path, 'r') as file: data = json.load(file) # Create an empty list to store all the room_ids all_room_ids = [] # Iterate over blocked_tags for tag in blocked_tags: # Filter the data to keep only the entries where the tag appears in the "tags" list filtered_data = [item for item in data if 'report_info' in item and 'tags' in item['report_info'] and tag in item['report_info']['tags']] # Extract the room_ids room_ids = [item['room']['room_id'] for item in filtered_data if 'room' in item and 'room_id' in item['room']] # Add the room_ids to the list of all room_ids all_room_ids.extend(room_ids) # Print the tag and corresponding room_ids print(f"Tag: {tag}\nRoom IDs: {room_ids}\n") # Deduplicate the list of all room_ids all_room_ids = list(set(all_room_ids)) # Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms, then collect shutdown parameters block_purge_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to block/purge all these rooms? y/n? ") if block_purge_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']: preset_user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ") preset_new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ") preset_message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ") preset_purge_choice = input("\nDo you want to purge these rooms? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ") preset_block_choice = input("\nDo you want to block these rooms? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ") # Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms shutdown_confirmation = input("\nNumber of rooms being shutdown: " + str(len(all_room_ids)) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? ") if shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']: for room_id in all_room_ids: shutdown_room(room_id, preset_user_ID, preset_new_room_name, preset_message, preset_purge_choice, preset_block_choice) time.sleep(10) elif shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']: print("\nSkipping these files...\n") else: print("\nInvalid input, skipping these files...\n") def block_recommended_rdlist_tags(): # Block all rooms with recommended tag set block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(True) # check if homeserver url is hard coded, if not set it if homeserver_url == "matrix.example.org": homeserver_url = input("What is the URL of your server? Eg: matrix.example.org ") # check if base url is hard coded, if not set it if base_url == "example.org": base_url = input("What is the URL of your server? Eg: example.org ") # check if access token is hard coded, if not set it length_access_token = len(access_token) if length_access_token == 0: access_token = input("Please enter access token for server admin account: ") # record the current directory location current_directory = os.getcwd() # loop menu for various moderation actions pass_token = False while pass_token == False: menu_input = input('\nPlease select one of the following options:\n#### User Account Commands ####\n1) Deactivate a user account.\n2) Create a user account.\n3) Query user account.\n4) List room memberships of user.\n5) Query multiple user accounts.\n6) Reset a users password.\n7) Promote a user to server admin.\n8) List all user accounts.\n9) Create multiple user accounts.\n10) Deactivate multiple user accounts.\n11) Quarantine all media a users uploaded.\n#### Room Commands ####\n12) List details of a room.\n13) Export the state events of a target room.\n14) List rooms in public directory.\n15) Remove a room from the public directory.\n16) Remove multiple rooms from the public directory.\n17) Redact a room event. (Like abusive avatars or display names.) \n18) List/Download all media in a room.\n19) Download media from multiple rooms.\n20) Quarantine all media in a room.\n21) Shutdown a room.\n22) Shutdown multiple rooms.\n23) Delete a room.\n24) Delete multiple rooms.\n25) Purge the event history of a room to a specific timestamp.\n26) Purge the event history of multiple rooms to a specific timestamp.\n#### Server Commands ####\n27) Delete and block a specific media. (Like an abusive avatar.) \n28) Purge remote media repository up to a certain date.\n29) Prepare database for copying events of multiple rooms.\n#### rdlist ####\n30) Block all rooms with specific rdlist tags.\n(\'q\' or \'e\') Exit.\n\n') if menu_input == "1": deactivate_account('') elif menu_input == "2": create_account('','') elif menu_input == "3": query_account('') elif menu_input == "4": list_joined_rooms('') elif menu_input == "5": query_multiple_accounts() elif menu_input == "6": reset_password() elif menu_input == "7": set_user_server_admin() elif menu_input == "8": list_accounts() elif menu_input == "9": create_multiple_accounts() elif menu_input == "10": deactivate_multiple_accounts() elif menu_input == "11": quarantine_users_media() elif menu_input == "12": list_room_details('') elif menu_input == "13": export_room_state('') elif menu_input == "14": list_directory_rooms() elif menu_input == "15": remove_room_from_directory('') elif menu_input == "16": remove_multiple_rooms_from_directory() elif menu_input == "17": redact_room_event() elif menu_input == "18": list_and_download_media_in_room('','','','./') elif menu_input == "19": download_media_from_multiple_rooms() elif menu_input == "20": quarantine_media_in_room() elif menu_input == "21": shutdown_room('','','','','','') elif menu_input == "22": shutdown_multiple_rooms() elif menu_input == "23": delete_room('') elif menu_input == "24": delete_multiple_rooms() elif menu_input == "25": purge_room_to_timestamp('','') elif menu_input == "26": purge_multiple_rooms_to_timestamp() elif menu_input == "27": delete_block_media() elif menu_input == "28": purge_remote_media_repo() elif menu_input == "29": prepare_database_copy_of_multiple_rooms() elif menu_input == "30": block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(False) elif menu_input == "34": block_recommended_rdlist_tags() elif menu_input == "q" or menu_input == "Q" or menu_input == "e" or menu_input == "E": print("\nExiting...\n") pass_token = True else: print("\nIncorrect input detected, please select a number from 1 to 30!\n")