import os import json import whois import random import string import datetime import zipfile import pyAesCrypt import smtplib import requests import asyncio from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import COMMASPACE from email import encoders import user_commands import room_commands import ipinfo_commands import bot_commands import hardcoded_variables rdlist_tag_descriptions = { "csam": "Child Sexual Abuse Material", "cfm": "An abundance of content which would directly appeal to those seeking csam.", "jailbait": "Photos which contain underage individuals in questionable or suggestive situations.", "tfm": "An abundance of content which would directly appeal to those seeking jailbait.", "beastiality": "Self explanatory.", "3d_loli": "Pornography which depicts photorealistic underage characters.", "stylized_3d_loli": "Pornography which depicts underage characters that are not depicted in a realistic style.", "gore": "Self explanatory.", "snuff": "Self explanatory.", "degen_misc": "Other types of coomers rooms.", "degen_larp": "Coomer larp rooms.", "degen_meet": "Coomer socializing rooms.", "degen_porn": "Rooms dedicated to pornography, excluding types which have dedicated tags.", "bot_porn": "Rooms which contain bots that spam pornographic content.", "bot_spam": "Rooms which contain bots that spam content. Primarily for malvertising and cryptospam", "preban": "Rooms which may not contain tagged content, however have clear intent. i.e: Rooms with names like 'CP Room', 'Child Porn', etc", "hub_room_trade": "Rooms which exist solely to trade illegal or questionable content. i.e: csam, jailbait", "hub_room_sussy": "A room which is sussy. This tag does not have a solid definition, see existing tagged rooms", "abandoned": "Similar to 'anarchy', primarily for rooms which have automated spam bots.", "anarchy": "Unmoderated rooms.", "hub_room_underage": "Rooms which contain a disproportionate amount of underage users.", "hub_room_links": "Rooms which exist to share links to other rooms.", "toddlercon": "Lolicon but younger.", "loli": "Rooms which exist to host lolicon.", } confidentiality_warning = f"""\n\n********************************************************************** \t\tATTENTION! CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE! \nThis electronic mail and any files linked to it may hold information that is privileged, confidential, and intended exclusively for the use of the designated recipient or entity. If you're not the expected recipient or the individual tasked with delivering the electronic mail to the intended recipient, be aware that you've received this mail in error. Any utilization, duplication, distribution, forwarding, printing, or publicizing of this email or the attached files is strictly prohibited, as is revealing the information contained within. If you've received this email in error, please promptly inform the sender and remove it from your electronic mailbox. \n********************************************************************** """ def get_report_folder(): # Get report_folder from hardcoded_variables report_folder = hardcoded_variables.report_folder # If report_folder ends with a slash, remove it if report_folder.endswith(os.sep): report_folder = report_folder[:-1] return report_folder def encrypt_user_folder(user_report_folder, username): # Generate a strong random password strong_password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(20)) # Get parent directory of user_report_folder parent_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(user_report_folder)) # Create the name of the .zip file including timestamp zip_file_name = os.path.join(parent_directory, username + "_" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ".zip") # Create a .zip file of the specified folder with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(user_report_folder): for file in files: zip_file.write(os.path.join(root, file), arcname=os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), user_report_folder)) # Buffer size - 64K bufferSize = 64 * 1024 # Encrypt the .zip file pyAesCrypt.encryptFile(zip_file_name, zip_file_name + ".aes", strong_password, bufferSize) # Delete the original zip file #os.remove(zip_file_name) # Write the password to a file password_file = open(zip_file_name + ".aes" + ".password", "w") password_file.write(strong_password) password_file.close() # You can return the password if you need to use it later, or you can directly print it here return strong_password, zip_file_name + ".aes" def generate_user_report(preset_username, report_details): if len(preset_username) == 0: username = input("\nPlease enter the username to automatically generate a report: ") username = user_commands.parse_username(username) else: username = user_commands.parse_username(preset_username) # Check if user exists if user_commands.check_user_account_exists(username) == False: print("\nUser does not exist, exiting report generation.") return elif user_commands.check_user_account_exists(username) == True: print(f"\nGenerating user report for {username}...") # If report_folder ends in a slash, remove it report_folder = get_report_folder() # Create report folders user_report_folder = report_folder + "/" + username + "/" if os.path.exists(report_folder) == False: os.mkdir(report_folder) if os.path.exists(user_report_folder) == False: os.mkdir(user_report_folder) # Collect and write the report details to ./report/username/report_details.txt if report_details == '': report_details = input("\nPlease enter the details for this report. Include as much detail as possible, including:\n A description of what happened.\n Timestamps of events. \n Whether this user was a repeat offender, if so include details about previous incidents. \n Other user or rooms involved. \n Other evidence you've collected against this user. \n Whether the offending users were deactivated. \n Whether the offending rooms were shut down.") report_details_file = open(user_report_folder + "report_details.txt", "w") report_details_file.write(report_details) report_details_file.close() # Get user account data and write to ./report/username/account_data.json account_data = user_commands.collect_account_data(username) account_data_file = open(user_report_folder + "account_data.json", "w") account_data_file.write(json.dumps(account_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) account_data_file.close() # Get user pushers and write to ./report/username/pushers.json pushers_data = user_commands.list_account_pushers(username) pushers_file = open(user_report_folder + "pushers.json", "w") pushers_file.write(json.dumps(pushers_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) pushers_file.close() # Get whois data and write to ./report/username/whois.json whois_data = user_commands.whois_account(username) whois_file = open(user_report_folder + "whois.json", "w") whois_file.write(json.dumps(whois_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) whois_file.close() # Get query data and write to ./report/username/query.json query_data = user_commands.query_account(username) query_file = open(user_report_folder + "query.json", "w") query_file.write(json.dumps(query_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) query_file.close() # Get user joined rooms and write to ./report/username/joined_rooms.json joined_rooms_dict = user_commands.list_joined_rooms(username) joined_rooms_file = open(user_report_folder + "joined_rooms.json", "w") joined_rooms_file.write(json.dumps(joined_rooms_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) joined_rooms_file.close() # Get user ipinfo and write to ./report/username/ipinfo.json ipinfo = ipinfo_commands.analyse_account_ip(username) ipinfo_file = open(user_report_folder + "ipinfo.json", "w") ipinfo_file.write(json.dumps(ipinfo, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) ipinfo_file.close() # Prepare folder structures room_folder = user_report_folder + "rooms/" dm_folder = user_report_folder + "dms/" details_folder = "details/" states_folder = "states/" # For each room the user is in, get the room state and write to ./report/username/rooms/states/ room_states_folder = room_folder + states_folder if not os.path.exists(room_states_folder): os.makedirs(room_states_folder, exist_ok=True) # For each room the user is in, get the room details and write to ./report/username/rooms/details/ room_details_folder = room_folder + details_folder if not os.path.exists(room_details_folder): os.makedirs(room_details_folder, exist_ok=True) # For DM, get the state and write to ./report/username/dms/states/ dm_states_folder = dm_folder + states_folder if not os.path.exists(dm_states_folder): os.makedirs(dm_states_folder, exist_ok=True) # For DM, get the details and write to ./report/username/dms/details/ dm_details_folder = dm_folder + details_folder if not os.path.exists(dm_details_folder): os.makedirs(dm_details_folder, exist_ok=True) room_list = joined_rooms_dict.get('joined_rooms', []) count = 0 for room in room_list: count += 1 room = room.split(" ")[0] room_details = room_commands.get_room_details(room) # Check the room conditions to select the proper output folders if room_details['joined_members'] == 2 and room_details['public'] == False: room_details_file = open(dm_details_folder + room + ".json", "w") state_events = room_commands.export_room_state(room, dm_states_folder, True) else: room_details_file = open(room_details_folder + room + ".json", "w") state_events = room_commands.export_room_state(room, room_states_folder, True) room_details_file.write(json.dumps(room_details, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) room_details_file.close() if count > 4 and hardcoded_variables.testing_mode == True: break # Generate a random password, then encrypt the ./report/username/ folder to a timestamped .zip file strong_password, encrypted_zip_file_name = encrypt_user_folder(user_report_folder, username) # Measure the size of the encrypted .zip file in MB encrypted_zip_file_size = os.path.getsize(encrypted_zip_file_name) / 1000000 # Print the password and the encrypted .zip file name print("Report generated successfully on user: \"" + username + "\"\n\nYou can send this .zip file and password when reporting a user to law enforcement.") print("\nPassword: " + strong_password) print("Encrypted .zip file location: " + encrypted_zip_file_name) print("Encrypted .zip file size: " + str(encrypted_zip_file_size) + " MB\n") return encrypted_zip_file_name, strong_password def decrypt_zip_file(): # Ask user for the location of the encrypted .zip file encrypted_zip_file_name = input("\nPlease enter the location of the encrypted .zip file: ") # Ask user for the password strong_password = input("Please enter the password: ") # Decrypt the ZIP file into the same location as the encrypted ZIP file pyAesCrypt.decryptFile(encrypted_zip_file_name, encrypted_zip_file_name[:-4], strong_password, 64 * 1024) # Print the location of the decrypted ZIP file print("\nDecrypted .zip file location: " + encrypted_zip_file_name[:-4] + "\n") def lookup_homeserver_admin(preset_baseurl): if hardcoded_variables.testing_mode == True: baseurl = hardcoded_variables.base_url elif preset_baseurl == '': baseurl = input("\nEnter the base URL to collect the admin contact details (Example: ") elif preset_baseurl != '': baseurl = preset_baseurl # If baseurl is, return '' as a hardcoded response if baseurl == "": print("\nAdmin contact email(s) for " + baseurl + " are:") return {"admins": {"email_address": ""}}, False # Check target homserver for MSC1929 support email url = f"https://{baseurl}/.well-known/matrix/support" try: response = requests.get(url) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: print(f"Error: Unable to connect to server {baseurl}. Trying WHOIS data...") response = None # If the request was successful, the status code will be 200 if response.status_code == 200 and ( "email_address" in response.text or "matrix_id" in response.text ): # Parse the response as JSON data = json.loads(response.text) #print("\nAdmin contact details for " + baseurl + " are: " + str(data)) return data, False else: print(f"Error: Unable to collect admin contact details from server {baseurl}") print("Attempting to collect admin email from WHOIS data...") # Get WHOIS data try: w = whois.whois(baseurl) if w.emails: #print("\nAdmin contact email(s) for " + baseurl + " are: " + str(w.emails)) return {baseurl: list(w.emails)}, True else: print(f"Error: Unable to collect admin email from WHOIS data for {baseurl}") return None, False except: print(f"Error: Unable to collect WHOIS data for {baseurl}") return None, False def send_email(email_address, email_subject, email_content, email_attachments): assert isinstance(email_attachments, list) msg = MIMEMultipart() # Create a multipart message msg['From'] = hardcoded_variables.smtp_user msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join([email_address]) msg['Subject'] = email_subject msg.attach(MIMEText(email_content)) # Attach the email body # Attach files for file in email_attachments: part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") with open(file, 'rb') as f: part.set_payload( encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(file)) msg.attach(part) try: # Send the email via SMTP server smtp = smtplib.SMTP(hardcoded_variables.smtp_server, hardcoded_variables.smtp_port) smtp.starttls() smtp.login(hardcoded_variables.smtp_user, hardcoded_variables.smtp_password) smtp.sendmail(hardcoded_variables.smtp_user, email_address, msg.as_string()) smtp.close() return True except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send email: {e}") return False def test_send_email(): # Ask the user for the destination email address email_address = hardcoded_variables.incident_report_return_email # Example email parameters email_subject = "Incident Report" email_content = "Hello! This is a test email. Please ignore it." email_attachments = ["./test_data/evil_clown.jpeg"] # List of file paths. Adjust this to the actual files you want to attach. # Try to send the email if send_email(email_address, email_subject, email_content, email_attachments): print("\nEmail successfully sent.") else: print("\nFailed to send email.") def generate_rdlist_report_summary(room_dict, user_id): print(f"user_dict: {room_dict}") report_content = f"""\n~~~User Report~~~\n\nUsername: {user_id}\n""" for room_id, rdlist_tags in room_dict.items(): report_content += f"\nWas a member of this room: {room_id}\nThis room has been flagged with the following rdlist tags:\n" for tag in rdlist_tags: tag_description = rdlist_tag_descriptions.get(tag, "No description available.") report_content += f" - {tag} ({tag_description})\n" report_content return report_content def prepare_email_content(user_dict, from_whois, baseurl): email_content = f"""Dear Administrator, We regret to inform you that there have been incidents involving the following users in your homeserver: """ for full_username, room_dict in user_dict.items(): email_content += f"\nUser: {full_username}\n" for room_id, rdlist_tags in room_dict.items(): email_content += f"\n Is in the room: {room_id}\n This room has been flagged with the following rdlist tags:\n" for tag in rdlist_tags: tag_description = rdlist_tag_descriptions.get(tag, "No description available.") email_content += f" - {tag} ({tag_description})\n" email_content += f""" We request your immediate attention to this matter. It is recommended that you: - Generate a report on these users' accounts and send it to law enforcement. - Block and purge these rooms from your homeserver. - Deactivate these users' accounts, or retain them for further observation. All of these actions can be done automatically using this moderation tool: ********************************************************************** \tTHIS EMAIL IS UNMONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO IT ********************************************************************** To contact us please email {hardcoded_variables.incident_report_return_email}. Thank you for helping us make Matrix safer. Best regards, Abuse Management Team https://{hardcoded_variables.base_url} """ if from_whois: email_content += f"""\n\n********************************************************************** \tATTENTION DOMAIN REGISTRAR, YOUR ACTION IS REQUIRED HERE ********************************************************************** \nThis email is intended for the owner of the domain {baseurl}, but they have not published their email address. \nAs the recipient of this email, you have a legal obligation to ensure that this email reaches them. \nTo avoid receiving these emails in the future, please ask them to configure MSC1929 for their Matrix server: """ email_content += confidentiality_warning return email_content def prepare_message_content(user_dict, baseurl): message_content = f"""Dear Administrator, We regret to inform you that there have been incidents involving the following users in your homeserver: """ for full_username, room_dict in user_dict.items(): message_content += f"\nUser: {full_username}\n" for room_id, rdlist_tags in room_dict.items(): message_content += f"\n Is in the room: {room_id}\n This room has been flagged with the following rdlist tags:\n" for tag in rdlist_tags: tag_description = rdlist_tag_descriptions.get(tag, "No description available.") message_content += f" - {tag} ({tag_description})\n" message_content += f""" We request your immediate attention to this matter. It is recommended that you: - Generate a report on these users' accounts and send it to law enforcement. - Block and purge these rooms from your homeserver. - Deactivate these users' accounts, or retain them for further observation. All of these actions can be done automatically using this moderation tool: ********************************************************************** \tTHIS ACCOUNT IS UNMONITORED, PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO IT ********************************************************************** To contact us please message {hardcoded_variables.incident_report_return_mxid}. Thank you for helping us make Matrix safer. Best regards, Abuse Management Team https://{hardcoded_variables.base_url} """ return message_content async def send_incident_report(incidents_dict): success = True homeserver_dict = {} # Aggregate incidents by homeserver. for full_username, room_dict in incidents_dict.items(): baseurl = full_username.split(":")[1] if baseurl not in homeserver_dict: homeserver_dict[baseurl] = {} homeserver_dict[baseurl][full_username] = room_dict # Prepare and send one incident report per homeserver, including all users and rooms. for baseurl, user_dict in homeserver_dict.items(): admin_contact_dict, from_whois = lookup_homeserver_admin(baseurl) if not admin_contact_dict or "admins" not in admin_contact_dict: print(f"Unable to find any admin emails for {baseurl}") success = False continue # Prepare and send one message or email per homeserver, including all users and rooms. for admin in admin_contact_dict["admins"]: #print(f"DEBUG: {type(admin)}") #print(f"DEBUG: {admin}") # this will print the content of each admin dict if "matrix_id" in admin: # If matrix_id exists message_content = prepare_message_content(user_dict, baseurl) try: print(f"Sending Incident Report message to {admin['matrix_id']}") await bot_commands.send_message(admin["matrix_id"], message_content) except Exception as e: print(f"Failed to send message to {admin['matrix_id']}: {str(e)}") success = False # If email_address exists, or if message send failed, send Incident report via email elif "email_address" in admin or success == False: email_address = admin.get("email_address") if email_address: # If email_address exists email_subject = f"Incident Report for users from {baseurl}" email_content = prepare_email_content(user_dict, from_whois, baseurl) email_attachments = [] print(f"Sending Incident Report email to {email_address}") if not send_email(email_address, email_subject, email_content, email_attachments): print(f"Failed to send email to {email_address}") success = False return success def test_send_incident_reports(): incidents_dict = { f"": { "!": ["csam", "loli", "beastiality"], "!": ["csam", "anarchy"] }, f"": { "!": ["csam", "loli", "toddlercon"], "!": ["anarchy", "terrorism"] }, f"": { "!": ["csam", "loli", "jailbait"], "!": ["csam", "hublinks"] }, f"": { "!": ["csam", "jailbait"], "!": ["csam", "preban"] }, f"": { "!": ["csam", "loli"], "!": ["csam", "degen_porn"] } } try: if hardcoded_variables.testing_mode == True: print("\nNOTE: Testing mode is enabled, sending Incident Reports to you! :)\n") if print("\nIncident reports successfully sent.") else: print("\nFailed to send the incident reports.") except Exception as e: print(f"\nFailed to send incident reports: {e}")