import subprocess
import json
import time
import os
import csv
import requests
import hardcoded_variables

def parse_username(username):
	tail_end = ':' + hardcoded_variables.base_url
	username = username.replace('@','')
	username = username.replace(tail_end,'')
	return username

def get_room_details(preset_internal_ID):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you wish to query (Example: ! ")
	elif preset_internal_ID != '':
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/{internal_ID}"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}

	#print("\n" + url + "\n")
	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True)

	room_details_dict = json.loads(response.text)

	return room_details_dict

# Example
# $ curl -kXGET '!'

def get_room_members(preset_internal_ID, local_only=False):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you wish to query (Example: ! ")
	elif preset_internal_ID != '':
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/{internal_ID}/members"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}

	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True)

	room_members_dict = json.loads(response.text)

	# Print room_members_dict for debugging
	#print("room_members_dict: " + json.dumps(room_members_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

	# Check if the 'members' key is in the response
	if 'members' in room_members_dict:
		# List of all members
		room_members = room_members_dict['members']

		if local_only:
			# Filter to get only local members
			room_members = [member for member in room_members if member.split(':')[1] == hardcoded_variables.base_url]

		# If 'members' key is not found, return an empty dictionary
		room_members = {}

	# Print room_members for debugging
	#print("room_members: " + str(room_members))
	return room_members

# Example
# $ curl -kXGET '!'

# This function returns the state of a room as output and optionally writes it to a json file
def export_room_state(preset_internal_ID, preset_directory, save_to_file):
	# record the current directory location
	current_directory = os.getcwd()

	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room with which to export the 'state' of (Example: ! ")
	elif preset_internal_ID != '':
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID

	if preset_directory == '':
		room_dir = os.path.join(current_directory, "state_events")
	elif preset_directory != '':
		room_dir = preset_directory

	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/{internal_ID}/state"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}

	#print("\n" + url + "\n")
	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True)

	state_events_dict = json.loads(response.text)

	# If save_to_file is True, write the output to a file
	if save_to_file == True:
		if "Room not found" not in state_events_dict.get('error', ''):
			# If save_to_file is True, create the directory if it doesn't exist
			os.makedirs(room_dir, exist_ok=True)
			# Define the filename and write to it
			unix_time = int(time.time())
			filename = os.path.join(room_dir, f"{internal_ID}_state_{unix_time}.json")
			#print(f"Writing room state events to {filename}")
			with open(filename, 'w') as f:
				f.write(json.dumps(state_events_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
		elif "Room not found" in state_events_dict.get('error', ''):
			print("Room not found, skipping write to file...")

	return state_events_dict

# Example
# $ curl -kXGET '!'

# See

def export_multiple_room_states(preset_internal_IDs=None, preset_directory=''):
    print("Export multiple room states selected")

    if preset_internal_IDs is None:
        room_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a JSON array of rooms: ")
        with open(room_list_location, 'r') as f:
            room_ids = json.load(f)
        room_ids = preset_internal_IDs

    print("\n" + str(room_ids) + "\n")
    export_confirmation = input("\nAre you sure you want to export the state of all of these rooms? y/n?\n")

    if export_confirmation in ["y", "yes", "Y", "Yes"]:
        for room_id in room_ids:
            export_room_state(room_id, preset_directory, True)
    elif export_confirmation in ["n", "no", "N", "No"]:
        print("Export canceled by user.")

def public_directory_rooms():
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}

	#print("\n" + url + "\n")
	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True)
	output = response.text

	output = output.replace('\"room_id\":\"','\n')
	output = output.replace('\",\"name','\n\",\"name')

	print(json.dumps(output, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

	public_room_directories_dict = json.loads(response.text)

	return public_room_directories_dict

# Example
# $ curl -kXGET

def remove_room_from_directory(preset_internal_ID):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you wish to remove from the directory (Example: ! ")
	elif preset_internal_ID != '':
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/{internal_ID}"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}
	data = {"visibility": "private"}

	#print("\n" + url + "\n")
	response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data, verify=True)


# Example
# $ curl -kX PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"visibility": "private"}' '!'

def remove_multiple_rooms_from_directory():
	print("Remove multiple rooms from directory selected")
	purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ")
	with open(purge_list_location, newline='') as f:
			reader = csv.reader(f)
			data = list(reader)
	x = 0
	while x <= (len(data) - 1):
		x += 1

def list_and_download_media_in_room(preset_internal_ID, preset_print_file_list_choice, preset_download_files_choice, base_directory):
	headers = {
		'Authorization': f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"

	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to get a list of media for (Example: ! ")
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/room/{internal_ID}/media"
	#print("\n" + url + "\n")

	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True)
	media_list_output = response.text
	print("Full media list:\n" + media_list_output)

	if preset_print_file_list_choice == '':
		print_file_list_choice = input("\nDo you want to write this list to a file? y/n? ")
		print_file_list_choice = preset_print_file_list_choice

	if print_file_list_choice.lower() in ["y", "yes", "Y", "Yes"]:
		print_file_list_choice = "true"
	elif print_file_list_choice.lower() in ["n", "no", "N", "No"]:
		print_file_list_choice = "false"
		print("Input invalid! Defaulting to 'No'.")
		print_file_list_choice = "false"

	room_dir = os.path.join(base_directory, internal_ID.replace('!', '').replace(':', '-'))
	os.makedirs(room_dir, exist_ok=True)

	if print_file_list_choice == "true":
		media_list_filename_location = os.path.join(room_dir, "media_list.txt")
		with open(media_list_filename_location,"w+") as media_list_filename:

	if preset_download_files_choice == '':
		download_files_choice = input("\nDo you also want to download a copy of these media files? y/n? ")
		download_files_choice = preset_download_files_choice

	if download_files_choice.lower() in ["y", "yes", "Y", "Yes"]:
		download_files_choice = "true"
	elif download_files_choice.lower() in ["n", "no", "N", "No"]:
		download_files_choice = "false"
		print("Input invalid! Defaulting to 'No'.")
		download_files_choice = "false"

	if download_files_choice == "true":
		media_files_dir = os.path.join(room_dir, "media-files")
		os.makedirs(media_files_dir, exist_ok=True)

		media_list_output = json.loads(media_list_output)
		for key in ['local', 'remote']:
			for media in media_list_output.get(key, []):
				media_url = media.replace('mxc://', f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_matrix/media/r0/download/")
				media_response = requests.get(media_url, stream=True, headers=headers, verify=True)

				if media_response.status_code == 200:
					media_file_path = os.path.join(media_files_dir, media.split('/')[-1])
					with open(media_file_path, 'wb') as media_file:
					print(f"Downloaded {media_url} to {media_file_path}")
					print(f"Failed to download {media_url}, status code: {media_response.status_code}")

# Example
# $ curl -kXGET<room_id>/media?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN

# To access via web:
# + server_name + "/" + media_id

def download_media_from_multiple_rooms():
	print("Download media from multiple rooms selected")
	download_media_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ")
	with open(download_media_list_location, newline='') as f:
			reader = csv.reader(f)
			data = list(reader)
	preset_print_file_list_choice = input("\n Do you want to print list files of all the media in these rooms? y/n? ")
	preset_download_files_choice = input("\n Do you want to download all the media in these rooms? y/n? ")


	pwd_process =["pwd"], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
	base_directory = pwd_process.stdout
	base_directory = base_directory.replace('\n','')

	print("Beginning download of media from all rooms in list...")
	x = 0
	while x <= (len(data) - 1):
		x += 1

def redact_room_event():
	internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room the event is in (Example: ! ")
	event_ID = input("\nEnter the event id of the event you wish to redact (Example: $lQT7NYYyVvwoVpZWcj7wceYQqeOzsJg1N6aXIecys4s): ")
	redaction_reason = input("\nEnter the reason you're redacting this content: ")
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/{internal_ID}/redact/{event_ID}"
	print(f"\nRequesting: {url}\n")
	output =, headers={'Authorization': f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}, json={'reason': redaction_reason}, verify=True).text

# $ curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_..." --data-raw '{"reason": "Indecent material"}' '!$nyjgZguQGadRRy8MdYtIgwbAeFcUAPqOPiaj_E60XZs'
# {"event_id":"$_m1gFtPg-5DiTyCvGfeveAX2xaA8gAv0BYLpjC8xe64"}

def quarantine_media_in_room():
	internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to quarantine, this makes local and remote data inaccessible (Example: ! ")
	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/room/{internal_ID}/media/quarantine"
	print(f"\nRequesting: {url}\n")
	headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}'}
	response =, headers=headers, verify=True)

# Example
# $ curl -X POST '!'

def shutdown_room(preset_internal_ID,preset_user_ID,preset_new_room_name,preset_message,preset_purge_choice,preset_block_choice):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want shutdown (Example: ! ")
	elif preset_internal_ID != '':
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
	if preset_user_ID == '':
		user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ")
	elif preset_user_ID != '':
		user_ID = preset_user_ID
	if preset_new_room_name == '':
		new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ")
	elif preset_new_room_name != '':
		new_room_name = preset_new_room_name
	if preset_message == '':
		message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ")
	elif preset_message != '':
		message = preset_message
	if preset_purge_choice == '':
		purge_choice = input("\nDo you want to purge the room? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ")
	elif preset_purge_choice != '':
		purge_choice = preset_purge_choice
	if preset_block_choice == '':
		block_choice = input("\nDo you want to block the room? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ")
	elif preset_block_choice != '':
		block_choice = preset_block_choice

	username = parse_username(user_ID)

	if purge_choice == "y" or purge_choice == "Y" or purge_choice == "yes" or purge_choice == "Yes" or purge_choice == True:
		purge_choice = "true"
	elif purge_choice == "n" or purge_choice == "N" or purge_choice == "no" or purge_choice == "No" or purge_choice == False:
		purge_choice = "false"
		print("Input invalid! exiting.")

	if block_choice == "y" or block_choice == "Y" or block_choice == "yes" or block_choice == "Yes" or block_choice == True:
		block_choice = "true"
	elif block_choice == "n" or block_choice == "N" or block_choice == "no" or block_choice == "No" or block_choice == False:
		block_choice = "false"
		print("Input invalid! exiting.")

	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}
	data = {
		"new_room_user_id": f"@{username}:{hardcoded_variables.base_url}",
		"room_name": new_room_name,
		"message": message,
		"block": bool(block_choice),
		"purge": bool(purge_choice)
	delete_room_url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/{internal_ID}"
	response = requests.delete(delete_room_url, headers=headers, json=data, verify=True)

	status = "null"
	count = 0
	sleep_time = 1
	list_kicked_users = []

	while status != "complete" and count < 8:
		count += 1
		sleep_time *= 2
		check_status_url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/{internal_ID}/delete_status"
		status_response = requests.get(check_status_url, headers=headers, verify=True)
		#print(f"status_response: {status_response.text}")
		output_json = status_response.json()
		#print(f"output_json: {output_json}")
		status = output_json["results"][0]["status"]
		#print(f"status: {status}")
		if status != "complete":
			print(f"Sleeping for {sleep_time} seconds...")

	if status == "complete":
		print(f"{internal_ID} has been successfully shutdown!")
		if str(output_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]) != '[]':
			print("List of kicked users:")
			for entry in output_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]:
		print(f"Failed to shutdown {internal_ID}!")

	return list_kicked_users

# Example:
#$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{ "new_room_user_id": "", "room_name": "VIOLATION ROOM", "message": "YOU HAVE BEEN NAUGHTY!", "block": true, "purge": true }' -X DELETE '!'
# {"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD"}

# Then check with:
# $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -kX GET '!'
# {"results":[{"delete_id":"yRjYjwoTOXOnRQPa","status":"complete","shutdown_room":{"kicked_users":[""],"failed_to_kick_users":[],"local_aliases":[],"new_room_id":"!"}}]}

def shutdown_multiple_rooms():
	print("Shutdown multiple rooms selected")
	purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file or directory containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ")
	file_list = []
	# check if the input path is a directory or a file
	if os.path.isdir(purge_list_location):
		# iterate over all files in the directory
		for filename in os.listdir(purge_list_location):
			# construct full file path
			file_path = os.path.join(purge_list_location, filename)
			# add it to the list
		# it's a single file
	preset_user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ")
	preset_new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ")
	preset_message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ")
	preset_purge_choice = input("\n Do you want to purge these rooms? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ")
	if preset_purge_choice.lower() in ["y", "yes", "Y", "Yes"]:
		preset_purge_choice = True
	elif preset_purge_choice.lower() in ["n", "no", "N", "No"]:
		preset_purge_choice = False
	preset_block_choice = input("\n Do you want to block these rooms? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ")
	if preset_block_choice.lower() in ["y", "yes", "Y", "Yes"]:
		preset_block_choice = True
	elif preset_block_choice.lower() in ["n", "no", "N", "No"]:
		preset_block_choice = False
	# Get the directory of the current script
	script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
	room_list_data = []
	for file in file_list:
		print("Processing file: " + file)
		# Change the current working directory
		with open(file, newline='') as f:
			reader = csv.reader(f)
			data = list(reader)
			room_list_data = room_list_data + data
	# Deduplicate the room_list_data
	room_list_data = [list(item) for item in set(tuple(row) for row in room_list_data)]
	shutdown_confirmation = input("\n" + str(room_list_data) + "\n\nNumber of rooms being shutdown: " + str(len(room_list_data)) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? ")
	if shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ["y", "yes"]:
		for room_id in room_list_data:
			shutdown_room(room_id[0], preset_user_ID, preset_new_room_name, preset_message, preset_purge_choice, preset_block_choice)
	elif shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ["n", "no"]:
		print("\nSkipping these files...\n")
		print("\nInvalid input, skipping these files...\n")

# Example:
# See shutdown_room()

def delete_room(preset_internal_ID):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to delete (Example: ! ")
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
	headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + hardcoded_variables.access_token}
	data = {"block": False, "purge": True}
	url = f'https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/{internal_ID}'
	response = requests.delete(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
	print("\n", response.text, "\n")

	status = "null"
	count = 0
	sleep_time = 0.5

	while status != "complete" and count < 8:
		count += 1
		sleep_time *= 2
		url_status = f'https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/{internal_ID}/delete_status'
		response = requests.get(url_status, headers=headers, verify=True)
		response_json = response.json()
		status = response_json["results"][0]["status"]
		print("status: " + status)
		if status != "complete":
			print(f"Sleeping for {sleep_time} seconds...")

	if status == "complete":
		print(f"{internal_ID} has been successfully deleted!")
		kicked_users = response_json["results"][0]["shutdown_room"]["kicked_users"]
		if kicked_users:
			print("List of kicked users:")
			for user in kicked_users:

# Example:
#$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{ "block": false, "purge": true }' -X DELETE '!'
# {"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD"}

# Then check with:
# $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -kX GET '!'
# {"results":[{"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD","status":"complete","shutdown_room":{"kicked_users":[],"failed_to_kick_users":[],"local_aliases":[],"new_room_id":null}}]}

def delete_multiple_rooms():
	print("Delete multiple rooms selected")
	purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ")
	with open(purge_list_location, newline='') as f:
		reader = csv.reader(f)
		data = list(reader)
	delete_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to delete these rooms? y/n? ")
	#print("len(data[0]) - " + str(len(data[0])))
	#print("data[0][0] - " + data[0][0])
	if delete_confirmation == "y" or delete_confirmation == "Y" or delete_confirmation == "yes" or delete_confirmation == "Yes":
		x = 0
		while x <= (len(data) - 1):
			print("data[x][0] - " + data[x][0])
			x += 1
			#time.sleep(2) # deleting a room is quicker then a full shutdown

	if delete_confirmation == "n" or delete_confirmation == "N" or delete_confirmation == "no" or delete_confirmation == "No":

# Example:
# See delete_room()

def purge_room_to_timestamp(preset_internal_ID, preset_timestamp):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of the room you want to delete (Example: ! ")
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID

	if preset_timestamp == '':
		timestamp = input("\nEnter the epoch timestamp in microseconds (Example: 1661058683000): ")
		timestamp = preset_timestamp

	headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + hardcoded_variables.access_token, "Content-Type": "application/json"}
	data = {"delete_local_events": False, "purge_up_to_ts": int(timestamp)}
	url = f'https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history/{internal_ID}'

	response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
	print("\n", response.text, "\n")

	response_json = response.json()
	if "errcode" in response_json:
		print(f"Error: {response_json['error']}")

	purge_id = response_json.get("purge_id")
	status = "null"
	count = 0
	sleep_time = 0.5

	while status != "complete" and count < 8:
		count += 1
		sleep_time *= 2

		url_status = f'https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history_status/{purge_id}'
		response = requests.get(url_status, headers=headers)
		response_json = response.json()

		status = response_json.get("status")
		print("status: " + status)

		if status != "complete":
			print(f"Sleeping for {sleep_time} seconds...")

	if status == "complete":
		print(f"{internal_ID} has successfully had its history purged!")

# Example:
#$ curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_bW..." -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "delete_local_events": false, "purge_up_to_ts": 1661058683000 }' '!'

# Then check with:
#$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer syt_bW..." -kX GET ''

def purge_multiple_rooms_to_timestamp():
	print("Purge the event history of multiple rooms to a specific timestamp selected")
	purge_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: ")
	with open(purge_list_location, newline='') as f:
		reader = csv.reader(f)
		data = list(reader)
	preset_timestamp = input("\nPlease enter the epoche timestamp in milliseconds you wish to purge too (for example 1661058683000): ")
	purge_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to purge the history of these rooms? y/n? ")
	print("len(data[0]) - " + str(len(data[0])))
	print("data[0][0] - " + data[0][0])
	if purge_confirmation == "y" or purge_confirmation == "Y" or purge_confirmation == "yes" or purge_confirmation == "Yes":
		x = 0
		while x <= (len(data) - 1):
			print("data[x][0] - " + data[x][0])
			purge_room_to_timestamp(data[x][0], preset_timestamp)
			x += 1

	if purge_confirmation == "n" or purge_confirmation == "N" or purge_confirmation == "no" or purge_confirmation == "No":

# Example:
# See purge_room_to_timestamp()

def get_block_status(preset_internal_ID):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of a room to examine if it's blocked (Example: ! ")
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID

	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/{internal_ID}/block"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}"}

	response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=True)

	# Ensure the request was successful
	if response.status_code == 200:
		block_status = json.loads(response.text)['block']
		print(f"Error: Unable to fetch block status for room {internal_ID}")
		block_status = None

	return block_status

# Example:
# $ curl -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' '!'
# {"block":false}

def set_block_status(preset_internal_ID, block):
	if preset_internal_ID == '':
		internal_ID = input("\nEnter the internal id of a room to block/unblock (Example: ! ")
		internal_ID = preset_internal_ID

	url = f"https://{hardcoded_variables.homeserver_url}/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/{internal_ID}/block"
	headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {hardcoded_variables.access_token}", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
	data = {"block": block}

	response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, json=data, verify=True)

	# Ensure the request was successful
	if response.status_code == 200:
		block_status = json.loads(response.text)['block']
		if block_status == block and block == True:
			print(f"Successfully blocked room {internal_ID}")
		elif block_status == block and block == False:
			print(f"Successfully unblocked room {internal_ID}")
			print(f"Failed to set block status for room {internal_ID} to {block}")
		print(f"Error: Unable to set block status for room {internal_ID}")

# Example:
#$ curl -X PUT -H 'Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"block": true}' '!'