import os import json import random import string import datetime import zipfile import pyAesCrypt import user_commands import room_commands import ipinfo_commands import hardcoded_variables # For testing the Report Generator, set this to True testing_mode = False def get_report_folder(): # Get report_folder from hardcoded_variables report_folder = hardcoded_variables.report_folder # If report_folder ends with a slash, remove it if report_folder.endswith(os.sep): report_folder = report_folder[:-1] return report_folder def encrypt_user_folder(user_report_folder, username): # Generate a strong random password strong_password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(20)) # Get parent directory of user_report_folder parent_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(user_report_folder)) # Create the name of the .zip file including timestamp zip_file_name = os.path.join(parent_directory, username + "_" +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S") + ".zip") # Create a .zip file of the specified folder with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(user_report_folder): for file in files: zip_file.write(os.path.join(root, file), arcname=os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, file), user_report_folder)) # Buffer size - 64K bufferSize = 64 * 1024 # Encrypt the .zip file pyAesCrypt.encryptFile(zip_file_name, zip_file_name + ".aes", strong_password, bufferSize) # Delete the original zip file os.remove(zip_file_name) # You can return the password if you need to use it later, or you can directly print it here return strong_password, zip_file_name + ".aes" def generate_user_report(preset_username): if len(preset_username) == 0: username = input("\nPlease enter the username to automatically generate a report: ") username = user_commands.parse_username(username) else: username = user_commands.parse_username(preset_username) # Check if user exists if user_commands.check_user_account_exists(username) == True: print("\nUser exists, continuing with report generation.") return # If report_folder ends in a slash, remove it report_folder = get_report_folder() # Create report folders user_report_folder = report_folder + "/" + username + "/" if os.path.exists(report_folder) == False: os.mkdir(report_folder) if os.path.exists(user_report_folder) == False: os.mkdir(user_report_folder) # Get user account data and write to ./report/username/account_data.json account_data = user_commands.collect_account_data(username) account_data_file = open(user_report_folder + "account_data.json", "w") account_data_file.write(json.dumps(account_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) account_data_file.close() # Get user pushers and write to ./report/username/pushers.json pushers_data = user_commands.list_account_pushers(username) pushers_file = open(user_report_folder + "pushers.json", "w") pushers_file.write(json.dumps(pushers_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) pushers_file.close() # Get whois data and write to ./report/username/whois.json whois_data = user_commands.whois_account(username) whois_file = open(user_report_folder + "whois.json", "w") whois_file.write(json.dumps(whois_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) whois_file.close() # Get query data and write to ./report/username/query.json query_data = user_commands.query_account(username) query_file = open(user_report_folder + "query.json", "w") query_file.write(json.dumps(query_data, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) query_file.close() # Get user joined rooms and write to ./report/username/joined_rooms.json joined_rooms_dict = user_commands.list_joined_rooms(username) joined_rooms_file = open(user_report_folder + "joined_rooms.json", "w") joined_rooms_file.write(json.dumps(joined_rooms_dict, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) joined_rooms_file.close() # Get user ipinfo and write to ./report/username/ipinfo.json ipinfo = ipinfo_commands.analyse_account_ip(username) ipinfo_file = open(user_report_folder + "ipinfo.json", "w") ipinfo_file.write(json.dumps(ipinfo, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) ipinfo_file.close() # For each room the user is in, get the room state and write to ./report/username/room_states/ room_states_folder = user_report_folder + "room_states/" if os.path.exists(room_states_folder) == False: os.mkdir(room_states_folder) room_list = joined_rooms_dict.get('joined_rooms', []) count = 0 for room in room_list: count += 1 room = room.split(" ")[0] room_commands.export_room_state(room, room_states_folder) if count > 4 and testing_mode == True: break # For each room the user is in, get the room details and write to ./report/username/room_details/ room_details_folder = user_report_folder + "room_details/" if os.path.exists(room_details_folder) == False: os.mkdir(room_details_folder) count = 0 for room in room_list: count += 1 room = room.split(" ")[0] room_details = room_commands.list_room_details(room) room_details_file = open(room_details_folder + room + ".json", "w") room_details_file.write(str(room_details)) room_details_file.close() if count > 4 and testing_mode == True: break # Generate a random password, then encrypt the ./report/username/ folder to a timestamped .zip file strong_password, encrypted_zip_file_name = encrypt_user_folder(user_report_folder, username) # Measure the size of the encrypted .zip file in MB encrypted_zip_file_size = os.path.getsize(encrypted_zip_file_name) / 1000000 # Print the password and the encrypted .zip file name print("\nReport generated successfully on user: \"" + username + "\"\n\nYou can send this .zip file and password when reporting a user to law enforcement.") print("\nPassword: " + strong_password) print("Encrypted .zip file location: " + encrypted_zip_file_name) print("Encrypted .zip file size: " + str(encrypted_zip_file_size) + " MB\n") def decrypt_zip_file(): # Ask user for the location of the encrypted .zip file encrypted_zip_file_name = input("\nPlease enter the location of the encrypted .zip file: ") # Ask user for the password strong_password = input("Please enter the password: ") # Decrypt the ZIP file into the same location as the encrypted ZIP file pyAesCrypt.decryptFile(encrypted_zip_file_name, encrypted_zip_file_name[:-4], strong_password, 64 * 1024) # Print the location of the decrypted ZIP file print("\nDecrypted .zip file location: " + encrypted_zip_file_name[:-4] + "\n")