mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 07:00:27 -05:00
finish recommended tags functions. modularise reset_password() and set_user_server_admin(). distinguish whois API lookup from user account API lookup. make rdlist pulls more seamless
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,20 +12,24 @@
# 3) Add reporting functions for users
# 4) Add reporting functions for rooms
# 5) Add a function to extract a users email
# 6)
# 6) Do room shutdowns in parallel?
# 7) Add more automated rdlist function with sane defaults - DONE
import subprocess
import csv
import time
import os
import json
import re
import random
import string
# These values can be hard coded for easier usage: #
homeserver_url = "matrix.example.org"
base_url = "example.org"
access_token = ""
# rdlist specific
rdlist_bot_username = "mod_team"
rdlist_recommended_tags = ['hub_room_links', 'preban', 'degen_misc', 'beastiality', 'degen_porn', 'gore', 'hub_room_trade', 'snuff', 'degen_larp', 'hub_room_sussy', 'bot_spam cfm', '3d_loli', 'jailbait', 'bot_porn', 'toddlercon', 'loli', 'csam', 'tfm', 'abandoned', 'degen_meet', 'stylized_3d_loli']
@ -50,25 +54,33 @@ def deactivate_account(preset_username):
# Example:
# $ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" "https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/deactivate/@billybob:perthchat.org" --data '{"erase": true}'
def reset_password():
username = input("\nPlease enter the username for the password reset: ")
password = input("Please enter the password to set: ")
def reset_password(preset_username,preset_password):
if len(preset_username) == 0 and len(preset_password) == 0:
username = input("\nPlease enter the username for the password reset: ")
password = input("Please enter the password to set: ")
username = parse_username(preset_username)
password = preset_password
username = parse_username(username)
command_string = "curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"new_password\": \"" + password + "\", \"logout_devices\": true}' https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/reset_password/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "?access_token=" + access_token
print("\n" + command_string + "\n")
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = process.stdout
return output
# Example:
# $ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"new_password": "dogpoo", "logout_devices": true}' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/reset_password/@dogpoo:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
def set_user_server_admin():
# tried setting 'admin: false' here but it failed and promoted the user instead!
print("\nBe aware that you need to set at least 1 user to server admin already by editing the database in order to use this command. See https://github.com/PC-Admin/PC-Admins-Synapse-Moderation-Tool/blob/master/README.md for details on how to do this.")
username = input("\nPlease enter the username you want to promote to server admin: ")
username = parse_username(username)
passthrough = 0
def set_user_server_admin(preset_username):
if len(preset_username) == 0:
# tried setting 'admin: false' here but it failed and promoted the user instead!
print("\nBe aware that you need to set at least 1 user to server admin already by editing the database in order to use this command. See https://github.com/PC-Admin/PC-Admins-Synapse-Moderation-Tool/blob/master/README.md for details on how to do this.")
username = input("\nPlease enter the username you want to promote to server admin: ")
username = parse_username(username)
elif len(preset_username) > 0:
username = parse_username(preset_username)
#passthrough = 0
server_admin_result = "true"
command_string = "curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{\"admin\": \"" + server_admin_result + "\"}' https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v1/users/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "/admin?access_token=" + access_token
@ -76,13 +88,14 @@ def set_user_server_admin():
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = process.stdout
return output
# Example:
# $ curl -kX POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"admin": "true"}' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@dogpoo:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
def query_account(preset_username):
def whois_account(preset_username):
if preset_username == '':
username = input("\nPlease enter the username you wish to query: ")
username = input("\nPlease enter the username you wish to whois: ")
elif preset_username != '':
username = preset_username
username = parse_username(username)
@ -91,6 +104,7 @@ def query_account(preset_username):
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = process.stdout
print(output + "\n")
# Example:
# $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/r0/admin/whois/@PC-Admin:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
@ -110,15 +124,15 @@ def list_joined_rooms(preset_username):
# Example:
# $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/users/@PC-Admin:perthchat.org/joined_rooms?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
def query_multiple_accounts():
print("Query multiple user accounts selected")
def whois_multiple_accounts():
print("Whois multiple user accounts selected")
user_list_location = input("\nPlease enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of Matrix usernames: ")
with open(user_list_location, newline='') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
data = list(reader)
query_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to query all of these users? y/n?\n")
if query_confirmation == "y" or query_confirmation == "Y" or query_confirmation == "yes" or query_confirmation == "Yes":
whois_confirmation = input("\n" + str(data) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to whois all of these users? y/n?\n")
if whois_confirmation == "y" or whois_confirmation == "Y" or whois_confirmation == "yes" or whois_confirmation == "Yes":
x = 0
while x <= (len(data) - 1):
@ -127,7 +141,7 @@ def query_multiple_accounts():
x += 1
if query_confirmation == "n" or query_confirmation == "N" or query_confirmation == "no" or query_confirmation == "No":
if whois_confirmation == "n" or whois_confirmation == "N" or whois_confirmation == "no" or whois_confirmation == "No":
def list_accounts():
@ -168,6 +182,22 @@ def list_accounts():
# Example:
# $ curl -kXGET "https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users?from=0&limit=10&guests=false&access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN"
def query_account(preset_username):
if len(preset_username) == 0:
username = input("\nPlease enter the username to query: ")
username = parse_username(username)
elif len(preset_username) > 0:
username = parse_username(preset_username)
command_string = "curl -kX GET https://" + homeserver_url + "/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@" + username + ":" + base_url + "?access_token=" + access_token
print("\n" + command_string + "\n")
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = process.stdout
return output
# Example:
# $ curl -kX GET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@billybob:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
def create_account(preset_username,preset_password):
if len(preset_username) == 0 and len(preset_password) == 0:
username = input("\nPlease enter the username to create: ")
@ -183,6 +213,7 @@ def create_account(preset_username,preset_password):
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
output = process.stdout
return output
# Example:
# $ curl -kX PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": "user_password","admin": false,"deactivated": false}' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/users/@billybob:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
@ -847,44 +878,49 @@ def prepare_database_copy_of_multiple_rooms():
print("\nThe sql query files have been generated, as postgres user in container run:\n# docker exec -it matrix-postgres /bin/bash\nbash-5.0$ export PGPASSWORD=your-db-password\nbash-5.0$ for f in /var/lib/postgresql/data/ramdisk/*/dump_room_data.sql; do psql --host= --port=5432 --username=synapse -w -f $f; done\n\nAfter copying the data to a cloud location law enforcement can access, clean up the ramdisk like so:\n# rm -r /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk/*\n# umount /matrix/postgres/data/ramdisk")
def sync_rdlist():
rdlist_dir = "./rdlist"
os.makedirs(rdlist_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Check if the rdlist repo has already been cloned
if os.path.isdir("./rdlist/.git"):
print("rdlist repo already cloned...")
pull_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to pull the latest changes? y/n? ")
if pull_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
command_string = "git pull"
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
print("Skipping git pull...")
print("Cloning rdlist repo...")
command_string = "git clone https://code.glowers.club/loj/rdlist.git"
process = subprocess.run([command_string], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
rdlist_dir = "./rdlist"
os.makedirs(rdlist_dir, exist_ok=True)
# Check if the rdlist repo has already been cloned
if os.path.isdir("./rdlist/.git"):
print("rdlist repo already cloned...")
# Update git remote references and get status
subprocess.run(["git", "remote", "update"], check=True)
status = subprocess.run(["git", "status", "-uno"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(rdlist_use_recommended):
# If "Your branch is up to date" is not in the status, then there are changes to pull
if "Your branch is up to date" not in status.stdout.decode():
print("Pulling latest changes from rdlist repo...")
subprocess.run(["git", "pull"], check=True)
print("rdlist repo is up-to-date, no need to pull changes.")
print("Cloning rdlist repo...")
subprocess.run(["git", "clone", "ssh://gitea@code.glowers.club:1488/loj/rdlist.git"], check=True)
def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(rdlist_use_recommended,preset_user_ID,preset_new_room_name,preset_message,preset_purge_choice,preset_block_choice):
# Git clone the rdlist repo to ./rdlist/
# After the git repo has been cloned/pulled, open the file and read it into a string
with open(os.path.join("rdlist", "lib", "docs", "tags.md"), 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
# Print ./rdlist/lib/docs/tags.md README file for the user
print("\nPrinting details about the current tags in rdlist:\n")
for line in data:
print(line, end='') # Print the contents of the file
if rdlist_use_recommended == True:
# Take input from the user and convert it to a list
blocked_tags = rdlist_recommended_tags
print("\nUsing recommended rdlist tags.\n")
elif rdlist_use_recommended == False:
# After the git repo has been cloned/pulled, open the file and read it into a string
with open(os.path.join("rdlist", "lib", "docs", "tags.md"), 'r') as file:
data = file.readlines()
# Print ./rdlist/lib/docs/tags.md README file for the user
print("\nPrinting details about the current tags in rdlist:\n")
for line in data:
print(line, end='') # Print the contents of the file
# Take input from the user and convert it to a list
print("\nPlease enter a space seperated list of tags you wish to block:\n")
blocked_tags = input().split()
# Load the summaries JSON file
summaries_path = os.path.join("rdlist", "dist", "summaries.json")
with open(summaries_path, 'r') as file:
@ -899,32 +935,69 @@ def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(rdlist_use_recommended):
room_ids = [item['room']['room_id'] for item in filtered_data if 'room' in item and 'room_id' in item['room']]
# Add the room_ids to the list of all room_ids
# Print the tag and corresponding room_ids
print(f"Tag: {tag}\nRoom IDs: {room_ids}\n")
# If choosing specific tags, print the tag and corresponding room_ids
if rdlist_use_recommended == False:
# Print the tag and corresponding room_ids
print(f"Tag: {tag}\nRoom IDs: {room_ids}\n")
# Deduplicate the list of all room_ids
all_room_ids = list(set(all_room_ids))
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms, then collect shutdown parameters
block_purge_confirmation = input("\nDo you want to block/purge all these rooms? y/n? ")
if block_purge_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
preset_user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ")
preset_new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ")
preset_message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ")
preset_purge_choice = input("\nDo you want to purge these rooms? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ")
preset_block_choice = input("\nDo you want to block these rooms? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ")
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms
shutdown_confirmation = input("\nNumber of rooms being shutdown: " + str(len(all_room_ids)) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? ")
if shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
for room_id in all_room_ids:
shutdown_room(room_id, preset_user_ID, preset_new_room_name, preset_message, preset_purge_choice, preset_block_choice)
elif shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']:
print("\nSkipping these files...\n")
print("\nInvalid input, skipping these files...\n")
if preset_user_ID == '':
user_ID = input("\nPlease enter the local username that will create a 'muted violation room' for your users (Example: michael): ")
elif preset_user_ID != '':
user_ID = preset_user_ID
if preset_new_room_name == '':
new_room_name = input("\nPlease enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: ")
elif preset_new_room_name != '':
new_room_name = preset_new_room_name
if preset_message == '':
message = input("\nPlease enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: ")
elif preset_message != '':
message = preset_message
if preset_purge_choice == '':
purge_choice = input("\nDo you want to purge the room? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? ")
elif preset_purge_choice != '':
purge_choice = preset_purge_choice
if preset_block_choice == '':
block_choice = input("\nDo you want to block the room? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? ")
elif preset_block_choice != '':
block_choice = preset_block_choice
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms
shutdown_confirmation = input("\nNumber of rooms being shutdown: " + str(len(all_room_ids)) + "\n\nAre you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? ")
if shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'Yes']:
for room_id in all_room_ids:
shutdown_room(room_id, user_ID, new_room_name, message, purge_choice, block_choice)
elif shutdown_confirmation.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'N', 'No']:
print("\nSkipping these files...\n")
print("\nInvalid input, skipping these files...\n")
def block_recommended_rdlist_tags():
# Check if user account already exists
account_query = query_account(rdlist_bot_username)
# Generate random password
preset_password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(20))
# If user is not found, create it
if 'User not found' in account_query:
# Create user account
create_account(rdlist_bot_username, preset_password)
print("Account already exists.")
reset_password(rdlist_bot_username, preset_password)
# Promote bot user to server admin
# Define default valies for shutdown_room()
preset_new_room_name = 'POLICY VIOLATION'
preset_purge_choice = 'y'
preset_block_choice = 'y'
# Block all rooms with recommended tag set
block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags(True, rdlist_bot_username, preset_new_room_name, preset_message, preset_purge_choice, preset_block_choice)
# Print user login details
print("\nUser login details:\n")
print("Username: " + rdlist_bot_username)
print("Password: " + preset_password)
# check if homeserver url is hard coded, if not set it
@ -951,17 +1024,17 @@ current_directory = os.getcwd()
pass_token = False
while pass_token == False:
menu_input = input('\nPlease select one of the following options:\n#### User Account Commands ####\n1) Deactivate a user account.\n2) Create a user account.\n3) Query user account.\n4) List room memberships of user.\n5) Query multiple user accounts.\n6) Reset a users password.\n7) Promote a user to server admin.\n8) List all user accounts.\n9) Create multiple user accounts.\n10) Deactivate multiple user accounts.\n11) Quarantine all media a users uploaded.\n#### Room Commands ####\n12) List details of a room.\n13) Export the state events of a target room.\n14) List rooms in public directory.\n15) Remove a room from the public directory.\n16) Remove multiple rooms from the public directory.\n17) Redact a room event. (Like abusive avatars or display names.) \n18) List/Download all media in a room.\n19) Download media from multiple rooms.\n20) Quarantine all media in a room.\n21) Shutdown a room.\n22) Shutdown multiple rooms.\n23) Delete a room.\n24) Delete multiple rooms.\n25) Purge the event history of a room to a specific timestamp.\n26) Purge the event history of multiple rooms to a specific timestamp.\n#### Server Commands ####\n27) Delete and block a specific media. (Like an abusive avatar.) \n28) Purge remote media repository up to a certain date.\n29) Prepare database for copying events of multiple rooms.\n#### rdlist ####\n30) Block all rooms with specific rdlist tags.\n(\'q\' or \'e\') Exit.\n\n')
menu_input = input('\nPlease select one of the following options:\n#### User Account Commands ####\n1) Deactivate a user account.\n2) Create a user account.\n3) Query user account.\n4) List room memberships of user.\n5) Query multiple user accounts.\n6) Reset a users password.\n7) Promote a user to server admin.\n8) List all user accounts.\n9) Create multiple user accounts.\n10) Deactivate multiple user accounts.\n11) Quarantine all media a users uploaded.\n#### Room Commands ####\n12) List details of a room.\n13) Export the state events of a target room.\n14) List rooms in public directory.\n15) Remove a room from the public directory.\n16) Remove multiple rooms from the public directory.\n17) Redact a room event. (Like abusive avatars or display names.) \n18) List/Download all media in a room.\n19) Download media from multiple rooms.\n20) Quarantine all media in a room.\n21) Shutdown a room.\n22) Shutdown multiple rooms.\n23) Delete a room.\n24) Delete multiple rooms.\n25) Purge the event history of a room to a specific timestamp.\n26) Purge the event history of multiple rooms to a specific timestamp.\n#### Server Commands ####\n27) Delete and block a specific media. (Like an abusive avatar.) \n28) Purge remote media repository up to a certain date.\n29) Prepare database for copying events of multiple rooms.\n#### rdlist ####\n30) Block all rooms with specific rdlist tags.\n34) Block all rooms with recommended rdlist tags.\n(\'q\' or \'e\') Exit.\n\n')
if menu_input == "1":
elif menu_input == "2":
elif menu_input == "3":
elif menu_input == "4":
elif menu_input == "5":
elif menu_input == "6":
elif menu_input == "7":
@ -1011,12 +1084,12 @@ while pass_token == False:
elif menu_input == "29":
elif menu_input == "30":
elif menu_input == "34":
elif menu_input == "q" or menu_input == "Q" or menu_input == "e" or menu_input == "E":
pass_token = True
print("\nIncorrect input detected, please select a number from 1 to 30!\n")
print("\nIncorrect input detected, please select a number from 1 to 34!\n")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user