2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
import os
import subprocess
import json
import random
import string
import time
import user_commands
import room_commands
import hardcoded_variables
#rdlist_bot_username = hardcoded_variables.rdlist_bot_username
def sync_rdlist ( ) :
rdlist_dir = " ./rdlist "
os . makedirs ( rdlist_dir , exist_ok = True )
# Check if the rdlist repo has already been cloned
if os . path . isdir ( " ./rdlist/.git " ) :
print ( " rdlist repo already cloned... " )
os . chdir ( " ./rdlist/ " )
# Update git remote references and get status
subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " remote " , " update " ] , check = True )
status = subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " status " , " -uno " ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , check = True )
os . chdir ( " .. " )
# If "Your branch is up to date" is not in the status, then there are changes to pull
if " Your branch is up to date " not in status . stdout . decode ( ) :
print ( " Pulling latest changes from rdlist repo... " )
os . chdir ( " ./rdlist/ " )
subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " pull " ] , check = True )
os . chdir ( " .. " )
else :
print ( " rdlist repo is up-to-date, no need to pull changes. " )
else :
print ( " Cloning rdlist repo... " )
subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " clone " , " ssh://gitea@code.glowers.club:1488/loj/rdlist.git " ] , check = True )
def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags ( rdlist_use_recommended , preset_user_ID , preset_new_room_name , preset_message , preset_purge_choice , preset_block_choice ) :
# Git clone the rdlist repo to ./rdlist/
sync_rdlist ( )
if rdlist_use_recommended == True :
# Take input from the user and convert it to a list
2023-07-21 01:02:30 +08:00
blocked_tags = hardcoded_variables . rdlist_recommended_tags
2023-07-21 01:24:34 +08:00
print ( " \n Using recommended rdlist tags. Rooms matching the following tags will be blocked and purged: \n \n " + str ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_recommended_tags ) )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
elif rdlist_use_recommended == False :
# After the git repo has been cloned/pulled, open the file and read it into a string
with open ( os . path . join ( " rdlist " , " lib " , " docs " , " tags.md " ) , ' r ' ) as file :
data = file . readlines ( )
# Print ./rdlist/lib/docs/tags.md README file for the user
print ( " \n Printing details about the current tags in rdlist: \n " )
for line in data :
print ( line , end = ' ' ) # Print the contents of the file
# Take input from the user and convert it to a list
print ( " \n Please enter a space seperated list of tags you wish to block: \n " )
blocked_tags = input ( ) . split ( )
print ( ' ' )
# Load the summaries JSON file
summaries_path = os . path . join ( " rdlist " , " dist " , " summaries.json " )
with open ( summaries_path , ' r ' ) as file :
data = json . load ( file )
# Create an empty list to store all the room_ids
all_room_ids = [ ]
# Iterate over blocked_tags
for tag in blocked_tags :
# Filter the data to keep only the entries where the tag appears in the "tags" list
filtered_data = [ item for item in data if ' report_info ' in item and ' tags ' in item [ ' report_info ' ] and tag in item [ ' report_info ' ] [ ' tags ' ] ]
# Extract the room_ids
room_ids = [ item [ ' room ' ] [ ' room_id ' ] for item in filtered_data if ' room ' in item and ' room_id ' in item [ ' room ' ] ]
# Add the room_ids to the list of all room_ids
all_room_ids . extend ( room_ids )
# If choosing specific tags, print the tag and corresponding room_ids
if rdlist_use_recommended == False :
# Print the tag and corresponding room_ids
print ( f " Tag: { tag } \n Room IDs: { room_ids } \n " )
# Deduplicate the list of all room_ids
all_room_ids = list ( set ( all_room_ids ) )
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms, then collect shutdown parameters
if preset_user_ID == ' ' :
user_ID = input ( " \n Please enter the local username that will create a ' muted violation room ' for your users (Example: michael): " )
elif preset_user_ID != ' ' :
user_ID = preset_user_ID
if preset_new_room_name == ' ' :
new_room_name = input ( " \n Please enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: " )
elif preset_new_room_name != ' ' :
new_room_name = preset_new_room_name
if preset_message == ' ' :
message = input ( " \n Please enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: " )
elif preset_message != ' ' :
message = preset_message
if preset_purge_choice == ' ' :
purge_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to purge the room? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? " )
elif preset_purge_choice != ' ' :
purge_choice = preset_purge_choice
if preset_block_choice == ' ' :
block_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to block the room? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? " )
elif preset_block_choice != ' ' :
block_choice = preset_block_choice
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms
shutdown_confirmation = input ( " \n Number of rooms being shutdown: " + str ( len ( all_room_ids ) ) + " \n \n Are you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? " )
if shutdown_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' Y ' , ' Yes ' ] :
for room_id in all_room_ids :
room_commands . shutdown_room ( room_id , user_ID , new_room_name , message , purge_choice , block_choice )
time . sleep ( 5 )
elif shutdown_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' n ' , ' no ' , ' N ' , ' No ' ] :
print ( " \n Skipping these files... \n " )
else :
print ( " \n Invalid input, skipping these files... \n " )
def block_recommended_rdlist_tags ( ) :
# Check if user account already exists
account_query = user_commands . query_account ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username )
# Generate random password
preset_password = ' ' . join ( random . choice ( string . ascii_letters + string . digits ) for i in range ( 20 ) )
# If user is not found, create it
if ' User not found ' in account_query :
# Create user account
user_commands . create_account ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username , preset_password )
else :
print ( " Account already exists. " )
user_commands . reset_password ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username , preset_password )
# Promote bot user to server admin
user_commands . set_user_server_admin ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username )
# Define default valies for shutdown_room()
preset_new_room_name = ' POLICY VIOLATION '
preset_purge_choice = ' y '
preset_block_choice = ' y '
# Block all rooms with recommended tag set
block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags ( True , hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username , preset_new_room_name , preset_message , preset_purge_choice , preset_block_choice )
# Print user login details
2023-07-21 01:24:34 +08:00
print ( " \n \n User login details for your moderator account: \n " )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
print ( " Username: " + hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username )
print ( " Password: " + preset_password )