2023-07-08 05:55:48 -04:00
import subprocess
import json
import time
import os
import csv
import hardcoded_variables
def parse_username ( username ) :
tail_end = ' : ' + hardcoded_variables . base_url
username = username . replace ( ' @ ' , ' ' )
username = username . replace ( tail_end , ' ' )
return username
def list_room_details ( preset_internal_ID ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you wish to query (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
command_string = " curl -kXGET ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/ " + internal_ID + " ?access_token= " + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " ' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
print ( output )
# Example
# $ curl -kXGET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/!OeqILBxiHahidSQQoC:matrix.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN'
def export_room_state ( preset_internal_ID ) :
# record the current directory location
current_directory = os . getcwd ( )
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room with with to export the ' state ' of (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
room_dir = current_directory + " /state_events "
os . makedirs ( room_dir , exist_ok = True )
os . chdir ( room_dir )
unix_time = int ( time . time ( ) )
command_string = " curl -kXGET ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/ " + internal_ID + " /state?access_token= " + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " ' > ./ " + internal_ID + " _state_ " + str ( unix_time ) + " .json "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
2023-07-14 13:49:08 -04:00
os . chdir ( current_directory )
2023-07-08 05:55:48 -04:00
print ( output )
# Example
# $ curl -kXGET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/rooms/!OeqILBxiHahidSQQoC:matrix.org/state?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN'
# See
# https://matrix-org.github.io/synapse/latest/admin_api/rooms.html#room-state-api
def list_directory_rooms ( ) :
command_string = " curl -kXGET https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms?access_token= " + hardcoded_variables . access_token
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
output = output . replace ( ' \" room_id \" : \" ' , ' \n ' )
output = output . replace ( ' \" , \" name ' , ' \n \" , \" name ' )
print ( output )
# Example
# $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/r0/publicRooms?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
def remove_room_from_directory ( preset_internal_ID ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you wish to remove from the directory (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
command_string = " curl -kX PUT -H \' Content-Type: application/json \' -d \' { \" visibility \" : \" private \" } \' \' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/ " + internal_ID + " ?access_token= " + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
print ( output )
# Example
# $ curl -kX PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"visibility": "private"}' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/r0/directory/list/room/!DwUPBvNapIVecNllgt:perthchat.org?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN'
def remove_multiple_rooms_from_directory ( ) :
print ( " Remove multiple rooms from directory selected " )
purge_list_location = input ( " \n Please enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: " )
with open ( purge_list_location , newline = ' ' ) as f :
reader = csv . reader ( f )
data = list ( reader )
x = 0
while x < = ( len ( data ) - 1 ) :
print ( data [ x ] [ 0 ] )
remove_room_from_directory ( data [ x ] [ 0 ] )
x + = 1
time . sleep ( 1 )
def list_and_download_media_in_room ( preset_internal_ID , preset_print_file_list_choice , preset_download_files_choice , base_directory ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you want to get a list of media for (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
command_string = " curl -kXGET https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v1/room/ " + internal_ID + " /media?access_token= " + hardcoded_variables . access_token
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
media_list_output = process . stdout
#print("Full media list:\n" + media_list_output)
if preset_print_file_list_choice == ' ' :
print_file_list_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to write this list to a file? y/n? " )
elif preset_print_file_list_choice != ' ' :
print_file_list_choice = preset_print_file_list_choice
if print_file_list_choice == " y " or print_file_list_choice == " Y " or print_file_list_choice == " yes " or print_file_list_choice == " Yes " :
print_file_list_choice = " true "
elif print_file_list_choice == " n " or print_file_list_choice == " N " or print_file_list_choice == " no " or print_file_list_choice == " No " :
print_file_list_choice = " false "
else :
print ( " Input invalid! Defaulting to ' No ' . " )
print_file_list_choice = " false "
room_dir = " ./ " + internal_ID
room_dir = room_dir . replace ( ' ! ' , ' ' )
room_dir = room_dir . replace ( ' : ' , ' - ' )
os . mkdir ( room_dir )
os . chdir ( room_dir )
if print_file_list_choice == " true " :
media_list_filename_location = " ./media_list.txt "
media_list_filename = open ( media_list_filename_location , " w+ " )
media_list_filename . write ( media_list_output )
media_list_filename . close ( )
if preset_download_files_choice == ' ' :
download_files_choice = input ( " \n Do you also want to download a copy of these media files? y/n? " )
if preset_download_files_choice != ' ' :
download_files_choice = preset_download_files_choice
if download_files_choice == " y " or download_files_choice == " Y " or download_files_choice == " yes " or download_files_choice == " Yes " :
download_files_choice = " true "
elif download_files_choice == " n " or download_files_choice == " N " or download_files_choice == " no " or download_files_choice == " No " :
download_files_choice = " false "
else :
print ( " Input invalid! Defaulting to ' No ' . " )
download_files_choice = " false "
if download_files_choice == " true " :
media_list_output = media_list_output . split ( ' \" ' )
#print("New media list:\n" + str(media_list_output))
os . mkdir ( " ./media-files " )
os . chdir ( " ./media-files " )
count = 0
# Strips the newline character
for line in media_list_output :
if " mxc " in line :
#print("Line is 1: \n\n" + line + "\n")
line = line . replace ( ' mxc:// ' , ' ' )
download_command = " wget https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_matrix/media/r0/download/ " + line
print ( download_command )
download_process = subprocess . run ( [ download_command ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
os . chdir ( base_directory )
# Example
# $ curl -kXGET https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/room/<room_id>/media?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
# To access via web:
# https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/ + server_name + "/" + media_id
def redact_room_event ( ) :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room the event is in (Example: !rapAelwZkajRyeZIpm:perthchat.org): " )
event_ID = input ( " \n Enter the event id of the event you wish to redact (Example: $lQT7NYYyVvwoVpZWcj7wceYQqeOzsJg1N6aXIecys4s): " )
redaction_reason = input ( " \n Enter the reason you ' re redacting this content: " )
command_string = " curl -X POST --header \" Authorization: Bearer " + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" --data-raw ' { \" reason \" : \" " + redaction_reason + " \" } ' ' https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/ " + internal_ID + " /redact/ " + event_ID + " ' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
print ( output )
# $ curl -X POST --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_..." --data-raw '{"reason": "Indecent material"}' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_matrix/client/v3/rooms/!fuYHAYyXqNLDxlKsWP:perthchat.org/redact/$nyjgZguQGadRRy8MdYtIgwbAeFcUAPqOPiaj_E60XZs'
# {"event_id":"$_m1gFtPg-5DiTyCvGfeveAX2xaA8gAv0BYLpjC8xe64"}
def download_media_from_multiple_rooms ( ) :
print ( " Download media from multiple rooms selected " )
download_media_list_location = input ( " \n Please enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: " )
with open ( download_media_list_location , newline = ' ' ) as f :
reader = csv . reader ( f )
data = list ( reader )
preset_print_file_list_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to print list files of all the media in these rooms? y/n? " )
preset_download_files_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to download all the media in these rooms? y/n? " )
os . mkdir ( " ./media_download " )
os . chdir ( " ./media_download " )
pwd_process = subprocess . run ( [ " pwd " ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
base_directory = pwd_process . stdout
base_directory = base_directory . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' )
print ( base_directory )
print ( " Beginning download of media from all rooms in list... " )
x = 0
while x < = ( len ( data ) - 1 ) :
print ( data [ x ] [ 0 ] )
list_and_download_media_in_room ( data [ x ] [ 0 ] , preset_print_file_list_choice , preset_download_files_choice , base_directory )
x + = 1
time . sleep ( 1 )
def quarantine_media_in_room ( ) :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you want to quarantine, this makes local and remote data inaccessible (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
command_string = " curl -X POST \' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v1/room/ " + internal_ID + " /media/quarantine?access_token= " + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
print ( output )
# Example
# $ curl -X POST 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/room/!DwUPBvNapIVecNllgt:perthchat.org/media/quarantine?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN'
def shutdown_room ( preset_internal_ID , preset_user_ID , preset_new_room_name , preset_message , preset_purge_choice , preset_block_choice ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you want shutdown (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
if preset_user_ID == ' ' :
user_ID = input ( " \n Please enter the local username that will create a ' muted violation room ' for your users (Example: michael): " )
elif preset_user_ID != ' ' :
user_ID = preset_user_ID
if preset_new_room_name == ' ' :
new_room_name = input ( " \n Please enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: " )
elif preset_new_room_name != ' ' :
new_room_name = preset_new_room_name
if preset_message == ' ' :
message = input ( " \n Please enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: " )
elif preset_message != ' ' :
message = preset_message
if preset_purge_choice == ' ' :
purge_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to purge the room? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? " )
elif preset_purge_choice != ' ' :
purge_choice = preset_purge_choice
if preset_block_choice == ' ' :
block_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to block the room? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? " )
elif preset_block_choice != ' ' :
block_choice = preset_block_choice
username = parse_username ( user_ID )
if purge_choice == " y " or purge_choice == " Y " or purge_choice == " yes " or purge_choice == " Yes " :
purge_choice = " true "
elif purge_choice == " n " or purge_choice == " N " or purge_choice == " no " or purge_choice == " No " :
purge_choice = " false "
else :
print ( " Input invalid! exiting. " )
if block_choice == " y " or block_choice == " Y " or block_choice == " yes " or block_choice == " Yes " :
block_choice = " true "
elif block_choice == " n " or block_choice == " N " or block_choice == " no " or block_choice == " No " :
block_choice = " false "
else :
print ( " Input invalid! exiting. " )
# First export the state events of the room to examine them later or import them to rdlist
export_room_state ( internal_ID )
print ( " Exported room state events to file, this data can be useful for profiling a room after you ' ve blocked/purged it: ./state_events " + internal_ID + " _state.json " )
command_string = ' curl -H " Authorization: Bearer ' + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" --data ' { \" new_room_user_id \" : \" @ " + username + " : " + hardcoded_variables . base_url + " \" , \" room_name \" : \" " + new_room_name + " \" , \" message \" : \" " + message + " \" , \" block \" : " + block_choice + " , \" purge \" : " + purge_choice + " } ' -X DELETE ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/ " + internal_ID + " ' "
#print("\n" + command_string + "\n")
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
status = " null "
count = 0
sleep_time = 1
while status != " complete " and count < 8 :
time . sleep ( sleep_time )
count = count + 1
sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
command_string = ' curl -H " Authorization: Bearer ' + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" -kX GET ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + ' /_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/ ' + internal_ID + " /delete_status ' "
#print("\n" + command_string + "\n")
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output_json = json . loads ( process . stdout )
status = output_json [ " results " ] [ 0 ] [ " status " ]
print ( " status: " + status )
#print("count: " + str(count))
if status != " complete " :
print ( " Sleeping for " + str ( sleep_time ) + " seconds... " )
if status == " complete " :
print ( internal_ID + " has been successfully shutdown! " )
if str ( output_json [ " results " ] [ 0 ] [ " shutdown_room " ] [ " kicked_users " ] ) != ' [] ' :
print ( " List of kicked users: " )
for entry in output_json [ " results " ] [ 0 ] [ " shutdown_room " ] [ " kicked_users " ] :
print ( entry )
print ( " " )
# Example:
#$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{ "new_room_user_id": "@PC-Admin:perthchat.org", "room_name": "VIOLATION ROOM", "message": "YOU HAVE BEEN NAUGHTY!", "block": true, "purge": true }' -X DELETE 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org'
# {"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD"}
# Then check with:
# $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -kX GET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org/delete_status'
# {"results":[{"delete_id":"yRjYjwoTOXOnRQPa","status":"complete","shutdown_room":{"kicked_users":["@michael:perthchat.org"],"failed_to_kick_users":[],"local_aliases":[],"new_room_id":"!AXTUBcSlehQuCidiZu:perthchat.org"}}]}
def shutdown_multiple_rooms ( ) :
print ( " Shutdown multiple rooms selected " )
purge_list_location = input ( " \n Please enter the path of the file or directory containing a newline seperated list of room ids: " )
file_list = [ ]
# check if the input path is a directory or a file
if os . path . isdir ( purge_list_location ) :
# iterate over all files in the directory
for filename in os . listdir ( purge_list_location ) :
# construct full file path
file_path = os . path . join ( purge_list_location , filename )
# add it to the list
file_list . append ( file_path )
else :
# it's a single file
file_list . append ( purge_list_location )
preset_user_ID = input ( " \n Please enter the local username that will create a ' muted violation room ' for your users (Example: michael): " )
preset_new_room_name = input ( " \n Please enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: " )
preset_message = input ( " \n Please enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: " )
preset_purge_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to purge these rooms? (This deletes all the room history from your database.) y/n? " )
preset_block_choice = input ( " \n Do you want to block these rooms? (This prevents your server users re-entering the room.) y/n? " )
# Get the directory of the current script
script_dir = os . path . dirname ( os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) )
room_list_data = [ ]
for file in file_list :
print ( " Processing file: " + file )
# Change the current working directory
os . chdir ( script_dir )
with open ( file , newline = ' ' ) as f :
reader = csv . reader ( f )
data = list ( reader )
room_list_data = room_list_data + data
# Deduplicate the room_list_data
room_list_data = [ list ( item ) for item in set ( tuple ( row ) for row in room_list_data ) ]
shutdown_confirmation = input ( " \n " + str ( room_list_data ) + " \n \n Number of rooms being shutdown: " + str ( len ( room_list_data ) ) + " \n \n Are you sure you want to shutdown these rooms? y/n? " )
if shutdown_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ " y " , " yes " ] :
for room_id in room_list_data :
shutdown_room ( room_id [ 0 ] , preset_user_ID , preset_new_room_name , preset_message , preset_purge_choice , preset_block_choice )
time . sleep ( 10 )
elif shutdown_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ " n " , " no " ] :
print ( " \n Skipping these files... \n " )
else :
print ( " \n Invalid input, skipping these files... \n " )
# Example:
# See shutdown_room()
def delete_room ( preset_internal_ID ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you want to delete (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
command_string = ' curl -H " Authorization: Bearer ' + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" --data ' { \" block \" : false, \" purge \" : true } ' -X DELETE ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/ " + internal_ID + " ' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
print ( output )
status = " null "
count = 0
sleep_time = 0.5
while status != " complete " and count < 8 :
time . sleep ( sleep_time )
count = count + 1
sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
command_string = ' curl -H " Authorization: Bearer ' + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" -kX GET ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + ' /_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/ ' + internal_ID + " /delete_status ' "
#print("\n" + command_string + "\n")
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
#print("\nOutput type: " + str(type(process.stdout)))
#print("Output value: " + str(process.stdout) + "\n")
output_json = json . loads ( process . stdout )
status = output_json [ " results " ] [ 0 ] [ " status " ]
print ( " status: " + status )
#print("count: " + str(count))
if status != " complete " :
print ( " Sleeping for " + str ( sleep_time ) + " seconds... " )
if status == " complete " :
print ( internal_ID + " has been successfully deleted! " )
if str ( output_json [ " results " ] [ 0 ] [ " shutdown_room " ] [ " kicked_users " ] ) != ' [] ' :
print ( " List of kicked users: " )
for entry in output_json [ " results " ] [ 0 ] [ " shutdown_room " ] [ " kicked_users " ] :
print ( entry )
print ( " " )
# Example:
#$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" --data '{ "block": false, "purge": true }' -X DELETE 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org'
# {"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD"}
# Then check with:
# $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN" -kX GET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v2/rooms/!yUykDcYIEtrbSxOyPD:perthchat.org/delete_status'
# {"results":[{"delete_id":"efphJOtAxlBNtkGD","status":"complete","shutdown_room":{"kicked_users":[],"failed_to_kick_users":[],"local_aliases":[],"new_room_id":null}}]}
def delete_multiple_rooms ( ) :
print ( " Delete multiple rooms selected " )
purge_list_location = input ( " \n Please enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: " )
with open ( purge_list_location , newline = ' ' ) as f :
reader = csv . reader ( f )
data = list ( reader )
delete_confirmation = input ( " \n " + str ( data ) + " \n \n Are you sure you want to delete these rooms? y/n? " )
#print("len(data[0]) - " + str(len(data[0])))
#print("data[0][0] - " + data[0][0])
if delete_confirmation == " y " or delete_confirmation == " Y " or delete_confirmation == " yes " or delete_confirmation == " Yes " :
x = 0
while x < = ( len ( data ) - 1 ) :
print ( " data[x][0] - " + data [ x ] [ 0 ] )
delete_room ( data [ x ] [ 0 ] )
x + = 1
#time.sleep(2) # deleting a room is quicker then a full shutdown
if delete_confirmation == " n " or delete_confirmation == " N " or delete_confirmation == " no " or delete_confirmation == " No " :
print ( " \n Exiting... \n " )
# Example:
# See delete_room()
def purge_room_to_timestamp ( preset_internal_ID , preset_timestamp ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you want to delete (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
if preset_timestamp == ' ' :
timestamp = input ( " \n Enter the epoche timestamp in microseconds (Example: 1661058683000): " )
elif preset_timestamp != ' ' :
timestamp = preset_timestamp
command_string = ' curl --header " Authorization: Bearer ' + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" -X POST -H \" Content-Type: application/json \" -d ' { \" delete_local_events \" : false, \" purge_up_to_ts \" : " + timestamp + " } ' ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + " /_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history/ " + internal_ID + " ' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
output = process . stdout
print ( output )
output_json = json . loads ( process . stdout )
purge_id = output_json [ " purge_id " ]
status = " null "
count = 0
sleep_time = 0.5
while status != " complete " and count < 8 :
time . sleep ( sleep_time )
count = count + 1
sleep_time = sleep_time * 2
command_string = ' curl -H " Authorization: Bearer ' + hardcoded_variables . access_token + " \" -kX GET ' https:// " + hardcoded_variables . homeserver_url + ' /_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history_status/ ' + purge_id + " ' "
print ( " \n " + command_string + " \n " )
process = subprocess . run ( [ command_string ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , universal_newlines = True )
#print("\nOutput type: " + str(type(process.stdout)))
#print("Output value: " + str(process.stdout) + "\n")
output_json = json . loads ( process . stdout )
status = output_json [ " status " ]
print ( " status: " + status )
#print("count: " + str(count))
if status != " complete " :
print ( " Sleeping for " + str ( sleep_time ) + " seconds... " )
if status == " complete " :
print ( internal_ID + " has successfully had its history purged! " )
print ( " " )
# Example:
#$ curl --header "Authorization: Bearer syt_bW..." -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "delete_local_events": false, "purge_up_to_ts": 1661058683000 }' 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history/!OnWgVbeuALuOEZowed:perthchat.org'
# Then check with:
#$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer syt_bW..." -kX GET 'https://matrix.perthchat.org/_synapse/admin/v1/purge_history_status/rfWgHeCWWyDoOJZn'
def purge_multiple_rooms_to_timestamp ( ) :
print ( " Purge the event history of multiple rooms to a specific timestamp selected " )
purge_list_location = input ( " \n Please enter the path of the file containing a newline seperated list of room ids: " )
with open ( purge_list_location , newline = ' ' ) as f :
reader = csv . reader ( f )
data = list ( reader )
preset_timestamp = input ( " \n Please enter the epoche timestamp in milliseconds you wish to purge too (for example 1661058683000): " )
purge_confirmation = input ( " \n " + str ( data ) + " \n \n Are you sure you want to purge the history of these rooms? y/n? " )
print ( " len(data[0]) - " + str ( len ( data [ 0 ] ) ) )
print ( " data[0][0] - " + data [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
if purge_confirmation == " y " or purge_confirmation == " Y " or purge_confirmation == " yes " or purge_confirmation == " Yes " :
x = 0
while x < = ( len ( data ) - 1 ) :
print ( " data[x][0] - " + data [ x ] [ 0 ] )
purge_room_to_timestamp ( data [ x ] [ 0 ] , preset_timestamp )
x + = 1
if purge_confirmation == " n " or purge_confirmation == " N " or purge_confirmation == " no " or purge_confirmation == " No " :
print ( " \n Exiting... \n " )
# Example:
# See purge_room_to_timestamp()