2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
import os
import subprocess
import json
import time
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
import asyncio
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
import user_commands
import room_commands
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
import report_commands
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
import hardcoded_variables
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
def testing_mode_warning ( ) :
print ( " \n WARNING! Testing mode is enabled, this will: \n \n - Reduce the amount of data collected in user reports. \n - Slow down rdlist blocking/purging. \n - Prevent the deactivation of accounts. \n - Send incident reports to yourself instead of other homeserver admins. \n " )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
def sync_rdlist ( ) :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
rdlist_dir = os . path . expanduser ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_dir )
os . makedirs ( rdlist_dir , exist_ok = True )
# Check if the rdlist repo has already been cloned
if os . path . isdir ( os . path . join ( rdlist_dir , " .git " ) ) :
print ( " \n rdlist repo already cloned... " )
# Update git remote references and get status
subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " -C " , rdlist_dir , " remote " , " update " ] , check = True )
status = subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " -C " , rdlist_dir , " status " , " -uno " ] , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , check = True )
# If "Your branch is up to date" is not in the status, then there are changes to pull
if " Your branch is up to date " not in status . stdout . decode ( ) :
print ( " Pulling latest changes from rdlist repo... " )
subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " -C " , rdlist_dir , " pull " ] , check = True )
else :
print ( " rdlist repo is up-to-date, no need to pull changes. " )
else :
print ( " Cloning rdlist repo... " )
subprocess . run ( [ " git " , " clone " , " ssh://gitea@code.glowers.club:1488/loj/rdlist.git " , rdlist_dir ] , check = True )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-25 23:14:53 +08:00
# A function to return the rdlist tags associated with a room
def get_rdlist_tags ( preset_internal_ID ) :
if preset_internal_ID == ' ' :
internal_ID = input ( " \n Enter the internal id of the room you wish to query (Example: !OLkDvaYjpNrvmwnwdj:matrix.org): " )
elif preset_internal_ID != ' ' :
internal_ID = preset_internal_ID
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Git clone the rdlist repo to specified directory
2023-07-25 23:14:53 +08:00
sync_rdlist ( )
2023-08-07 20:16:55 +08:00
# Expand the user in the path and load the summaries JSON file
summaries_dir = os . path . expanduser ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_dir )
summaries_path = os . path . join ( summaries_dir , " dist " , " summaries.json " )
2023-07-25 23:14:53 +08:00
with open ( summaries_path , ' r ' ) as file :
data = json . load ( file )
# Find the room with the given id and return its tags
for item in data :
if ' room ' in item and ' room_id ' in item [ ' room ' ] and item [ ' room ' ] [ ' room_id ' ] == internal_ID :
if ' report_info ' in item and ' tags ' in item [ ' report_info ' ] :
return item [ ' report_info ' ] [ ' tags ' ]
return None
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
def get_key_rdlist_info ( rdlist_tags ) :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Expand the user in the path and load the summaries JSON file
summaries_dir = os . path . expanduser ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_dir )
summaries_path = os . path . join ( summaries_dir , " dist " , " summaries.json " )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
with open ( summaries_path , ' r ' ) as file :
data = json . load ( file )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-31 21:36:44 +08:00
# Create an empty dictionary to store all the room_ids for each user
all_local_users = dict ( )
all_remote_users = dict ( )
# Create a set to store all room_ids
all_room_ids = set ( )
# Create a dictionary to store the tags for each room
room_tags = dict ( )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
print ( " \n Calculating local and remote users in rdlist rooms... (This may take a while, please wait.) " )
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
# Iterate over the provided rdlist_tags
for tag in rdlist_tags :
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Filter the data to keep only the entries where the tag appears in the "tags" list
filtered_data = [ item for item in data if ' report_info ' in item and ' tags ' in item [ ' report_info ' ] and tag in item [ ' report_info ' ] [ ' tags ' ] ]
2023-07-31 21:36:44 +08:00
# Store the tags for each room
for item in filtered_data :
if ' room ' in item and ' room_id ' in item [ ' room ' ] :
room_id = item [ ' room ' ] [ ' room_id ' ]
all_room_ids . add ( room_id ) # add the room_id to the set
if room_id not in room_tags :
room_tags [ room_id ] = set ( )
room_tags [ room_id ] . update ( item [ ' report_info ' ] [ ' tags ' ] )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Extract the room_ids
room_ids = [ item [ ' room ' ] [ ' room_id ' ] for item in filtered_data if ' room ' in item and ' room_id ' in item [ ' room ' ] ]
2023-07-31 21:36:44 +08:00
# Examine these room_ids for local and remote users
for room_id in room_ids :
joined_members = room_commands . get_room_members ( room_id )
# For each user, add the room_id and tags to the dictionary
for user_id in joined_members :
if user_id . endswith ( hardcoded_variables . base_url ) :
if user_id not in all_local_users :
all_local_users [ user_id ] = dict ( )
all_local_users [ user_id ] [ room_id ] = list ( room_tags . get ( room_id , [ ] ) )
else :
if user_id not in all_remote_users :
all_remote_users [ user_id ] = dict ( )
all_remote_users [ user_id ] [ room_id ] = list ( room_tags . get ( room_id , [ ] ) )
all_room_ids = list ( all_room_ids ) # convert the set to a list
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
return all_room_ids , all_local_users , all_remote_users
def collect_user_reports_on_rdlist_accounts ( all_local_users = None , skip_input = False ) :
# Print warning if testing mode is enabled
if hardcoded_variables . testing_mode == True :
testing_mode_warning ( )
# If all_local_users is None, then we need to generate it
if all_local_users == None :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Git clone the rdlist repo to specified directory
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
sync_rdlist ( )
all_room_ids , all_local_users , all_remote_users = get_key_rdlist_info ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_recommended_tags )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
# If there's at least 1 local user detected, ask the admin if they want to generate a user report for every user found in rdlist rooms
if len ( all_local_users ) > 0 :
2023-07-31 21:36:44 +08:00
print ( f " \n WARNING! The following local users are current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: { list ( all_local_users . keys ( ) ) } " )
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
if skip_input == False :
generate_user_report_confirmation = input ( " \n Do you want to generate a user report file for each of these users? y/n? " )
if generate_user_report_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' Y ' , ' Yes ' ] or skip_input == True :
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
for user_id in all_local_users :
2023-07-31 21:36:44 +08:00
# Generate report_dict for each user
report_content = report_commands . generate_rdlist_report_summary ( all_local_users [ user_id ] , user_id )
report_commands . generate_user_report ( user_id , report_content )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
elif generate_user_report_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' n ' , ' no ' , ' N ' , ' No ' ] :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
print ( " \n Skipping user report generation... " )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
elif len ( all_local_users ) == 0 :
print ( f " \n No local users were found in rdlist rooms. " )
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
def send_incident_reports_on_rdlist_accounts ( all_remote_users = None , skip_input = False ) :
# Print warning if testing mode is enabled
if hardcoded_variables . testing_mode == True :
testing_mode_warning ( )
# If all_remote_users is None, then we need to generate it
if all_remote_users == None :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Git clone the rdlist repo to specified directory
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
sync_rdlist ( )
all_room_ids , all_local_users , all_remote_users = get_key_rdlist_info ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_recommended_tags )
# If there's at least 1 remote user detected, ask the admin if they want to generate a user report for every user found in rdlist rooms
2023-08-02 18:00:04 +08:00
if len ( all_remote_users ) > 0 :
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
print ( f " \n WARNING! The following remote users are current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: { list ( all_remote_users . keys ( ) ) } " )
if skip_input == False :
send_incident_report_confirmation = input ( " \n Do you want to send out incident reports for these users to every homeserver admin involved? y/n? " )
if send_incident_report_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' Y ' , ' Yes ' ] or skip_input == True :
loop = asyncio . get_event_loop ( )
loop . run_until_complete ( report_commands . send_incident_reports ( all_remote_users ) )
elif send_incident_report_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' n ' , ' no ' , ' N ' , ' No ' ] :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
print ( " \n Skipping incident report generation... " )
2023-08-02 18:00:04 +08:00
elif len ( all_remote_users ) == 0 :
print ( f " \n No remote users were found in rdlist rooms. " )
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
def block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags ( rdlist_use_recommended , preset_user_ID , preset_new_room_name , preset_message ) :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Git clone the rdlist repo to specified directory
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
sync_rdlist ( )
if rdlist_use_recommended == True :
# Use the hardcoded recommended tags
rdlist_tags = hardcoded_variables . rdlist_recommended_tags
print ( f " \n Using recommended rdlist tags. Rooms matching the following tags will be purged and/or blocked: \n { hardcoded_variables . rdlist_recommended_tags } " )
elif rdlist_use_recommended == False :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Expand the user in the path and read the file into a string
rdlist_dir = os . path . expanduser ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_dir )
rdlist_path = os . path . join ( rdlist_dir , " lib " , " docs " , " tags.md " )
with open ( rdlist_path , ' r ' ) as file :
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
data = file . readlines ( )
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Print rdlist/lib/docs/tags.md README file for the user
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
print ( " \n Printing details about the current tags in rdlist: \n " )
for line in data :
print ( line , end = ' ' ) # Print the contents of the file
# Take input from the user and convert it to a list
print ( " \n Please enter a space seperated list of tags you wish to block: \n " )
rdlist_tags = input ( ) . split ( )
print ( ' ' )
all_room_ids , all_local_users , all_remote_users = get_key_rdlist_info ( rdlist_tags )
#print(f"\nDEBUG all_local_users: {all_local_users}")
#print(f"DEBUG all_remote_users: {all_remote_users}")
#print(f"DEBUG all_room_ids: {all_room_ids}")
# If there's at least 1 local user detected, ask the admin if they want to generate a user report for every user found in rdlist rooms
collect_user_reports_on_rdlist_accounts ( all_local_users , False )
# If there's at least 1 remote user detected, ask the admin if they want to generate a incident report for every user homeserver involved in rdlist rooms
send_incident_reports_on_rdlist_accounts ( all_remote_users , False )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms, then collect shutdown parameters
if preset_user_ID == ' ' :
user_ID = input ( " \n Please enter the local username that will create a ' muted violation room ' for your users (Example: michael): " )
elif preset_user_ID != ' ' :
user_ID = preset_user_ID
if preset_new_room_name == ' ' :
new_room_name = input ( " \n Please enter the room name of the muted violation room your users will be sent to: " )
elif preset_new_room_name != ' ' :
new_room_name = preset_new_room_name
if preset_message == ' ' :
message = input ( " \n Please enter the shutdown message that will be displayed to users: " )
elif preset_message != ' ' :
message = preset_message
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Ask the user if they wish to block and purge all these rooms
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
shutdown_confirmation = input ( " \n Number of rdlist rooms being shutdown: " + str ( len ( all_room_ids ) ) + " \n \n Are you sure you want to block/shutdown these rooms? y/n? " )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
total_list_kicked_users = [ ]
num_rooms_blocked = 0
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
num_rooms_purged = 0
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
if shutdown_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' Y ' , ' Yes ' ] :
2023-07-28 10:36:58 +08:00
# Ask the user if they wish to shadow ban all local users in these rooms
shadow_ban_confirmation = input ( " \n Do you want to also shadow ban all your local users in these rooms before performing these shutdowns? (This is recommended as it prevents them from alerting others about these mass shutdown.) y/n? " )
# Perform shadow bans if admin confirms
if shadow_ban_confirmation in [ ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' Y ' , ' Yes ' ] :
for user in all_local_users :
print ( f " \n Shadow banning user: { user } " )
user_commands . shadow_ban_account ( user )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
for room_id in all_room_ids :
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
blocked_status = room_commands . get_block_status ( room_id )
#print(f"\nroom_details_dict: {room_details_dict}")
#print(f"\nblock_status: {blocked_status}")
# If room is already blocked, skip it
if blocked_status == False :
# Examine if unblocked room is known, if not block it
room_details_dict = room_commands . get_room_details ( room_id )
if " Room not found " in room_details_dict . get ( ' error ' , ' ' ) :
print ( f " \n \n Blocking unknown room: { room_id } " )
room_commands . set_block_status ( room_id , True )
num_rooms_blocked + = 1
# If unblocked room is known, perform a shutdown of the room
else :
print ( f " \n \n Shutting down known room: { room_id } " )
list_kicked_users = room_commands . shutdown_room ( room_id , user_ID , new_room_name , message , True , True )
num_rooms_purged + = 1
total_list_kicked_users . extend ( list_kicked_users )
if hardcoded_variables . testing_mode == True :
time . sleep ( 5 )
elif blocked_status == True :
print ( f " \n \n Skipping already blocked room: { room_id } " )
if hardcoded_variables . testing_mode == True :
time . sleep ( 5 )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
elif shutdown_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' n ' , ' no ' , ' N ' , ' No ' ] :
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
print ( " \n Skipping blocking/shutdown of rooms... \n " )
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
return 0 , 0 , [ ]
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
else :
print ( " \n Invalid input, skipping these files... \n " )
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
return 0 , 0 , [ ]
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
# Deduplicate the list of all kicked users
total_list_kicked_users = list ( set ( total_list_kicked_users ) )
2023-08-02 18:00:04 +08:00
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
# Return the list of all kicked users
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
return num_rooms_blocked , num_rooms_purged , total_list_kicked_users
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
def block_recommended_rdlist_tags ( ) :
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
# Print warning if testing mode is enabled
if hardcoded_variables . testing_mode == True :
2023-08-02 00:27:12 +08:00
testing_mode_warning ( )
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Check if user account already exists
account_query = user_commands . query_account ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# If user is not found, create it
if ' User not found ' in account_query :
# Create user account
2023-07-29 23:46:32 +08:00
user_commands . create_account ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username , hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_password )
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
else :
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
print ( f " @ { hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username } : { hardcoded_variables . base_url } account already exists. Resetting account password. " )
2023-07-29 23:46:32 +08:00
user_commands . reset_password ( hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username , hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_password )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Define default valies for shutdown_room()
preset_new_room_name = ' POLICY VIOLATION '
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-07-08 17:55:48 +08:00
# Block all rooms with recommended tag set
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
num_rooms_blocked , num_rooms_purged , total_list_kicked_users = block_all_rooms_with_rdlist_tags ( True , hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username , preset_new_room_name , preset_message )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
# Print user login details if any rooms were shutdown
if total_list_kicked_users != [ ] :
print ( " \n \n Room shutdowns completed! \n \n User login details for your moderator account: \n " )
print ( " Username: " + hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_username )
print ( " Password: " + hardcoded_variables . rdlist_bot_password )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
# Print statistics for the admin
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
print ( f " \n Printing rdlist statistics: " )
2023-07-27 03:39:48 +08:00
print ( f " \n Number of rooms blocked: { num_rooms_blocked } " )
print ( f " Number of rooms purged: { num_rooms_purged } " )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
print ( f " Number of local users located in rdlist rooms and kicked: { len ( total_list_kicked_users ) } " )
2023-08-07 19:26:58 +08:00
if total_list_kicked_users != [ ] :
print ( f " \n The following users were current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: { total_list_kicked_users } " )
2023-07-25 21:52:08 +08:00
# Ask admin if they want to deactivate all the accounts that were kicked from rdlist rooms
deactivate_confirmation = input ( " \n Do you want to also deactivate all these accounts that were kicked from rdlist rooms? y/n? " )
if deactivate_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' y ' , ' yes ' , ' Y ' , ' Yes ' ] :
for user_id in total_list_kicked_users :
user_commands . deactivate_account ( user_id )
print ( f " \n These accounts have been deactivated. " )
elif deactivate_confirmation . lower ( ) in [ ' n ' , ' no ' , ' N ' , ' No ' ] :
2023-07-28 05:15:46 +08:00
print ( " \n Skipping account deactivations... \n " )