'rdlist' is a comprehensive list of child abuse related rooms on Matrix, it's a safety initiative led by the [Legion of Janitors](https://matrix.to/#/#janitors:glowers.club).
This script can automatically load and block/purge abusive rooms from rdlist, making it **very easy** for inexperienced administrators to block this harmful content.
If you are running a public server, please dm me at [@PC-Admin:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@PC-Admin:matrix.org) and I can invite you to the 'Legion of Janitors' room.
## Collect User Reports on local users in rdlist rooms
This script can automatically generate 'User Reports' for each one of your local users in rdlist rooms that have the 'recommended tags'.
These user reports can be given to law enforcement or shared in [#janitor-dumps](https://matrix.to/#/#janitor-dumps:glowers.club) to help us locate more abusive users/rooms.
rdlist repo already cloned...
Fetching origin
Pulling latest changes from rdlist repo...
WARNING! The following local users are current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: ['@fatweeb23838:perthchat.org', '@somecreep29330:perthchat.org']
Do you want to generate a user report file for each of these users? y/n? y
Generating user report for fatweeb23838...
Report generated successfully on user: "fatweeb23838"
You can send this .zip file when reporting a user to law enforcement.
'rdlist' is a comprehensive list of child abuse related rooms on Matrix, it's a safety initiative led by the [Legion of Janitors](https://matrix.to/#/#janitors:glowers.club).
This script can automatically load and block/purge abusive rooms from rdlist, making it **very easy** for inexperienced administrators to block this harmful content.
If you are running a public server, please dm me at [@michael:perthchat.org](https://matrix.to/#/@michael:perthchat.org) and I can invite you to the 'Legion of Janitors' room.
Once you have read access to the [rdlist repository](https://code.glowers.club/loj/rdlist), this script can be used for multiple rdlist related functions.
## Send Incident Reports for remote users in rdlist rooms
This script can automatically generate 'Incident Reports' for every remote homeserver admin with users in rdlist rooms that have the 'recommended tags'.
It examines the homeserver involved to find a admin contact method via [MSC1929](https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-spec-proposals/pull/1929). If an MXID is returned it will attempt to send the Incident Report over Matrix. If an email is provided it will send the Incident Report over email. If neither is found a whois lookup is performed and the Incident Report are sent to the domain registrar via email.
rdlist repo already cloned...
Fetching origin
Pulling latest changes from rdlist repo...
WARNING! The following remote users are current members of rooms tagged in rdlist: ['@pedobear:matrix.org', '@randomcreep:perthchat.org']
Do you want to send out incident reports for these users to every homeserver admin involved? y/n? y
Sending Incident Report for users from matrix.org to abuse@matrix.org
Sending Incident Report for users from perthchat.org to @michael:perthchat.org

## rdlist Block/Purge all rooms with recommended rdlist tags
Finally this script can be used to shutdown rooms with the recommended rdlist tags.
This function is much larger and will ask you if you also want to create user/incident reports before the shutdowns. (Recommended) It'll also ask you if you want to shadowban the users in these rooms to prevent them from alerting others. (Recommended) Finally it'll ask if you want to shutdown the local accounts located in these rooms.
$ python3 moderation_tool.py
Please select one of the following options:
Please enter a number from the above menu, or enter 'q' or 'e' to exit.
Do you want to also shadow ban all your local users in these rooms before performing these shutdowns? (This is recommended as it prevents them from alerting others about these mass shutdown.) y/n? y